Saturday, December 01, 2007
This is my official Debbie Downer post
Monday: I drove to Muskegon and met my parents and my Uncle Brian (otherwise known as Uncle Daddy...and no, we're not Appalachian) in Muskegon for...yup...a funeral. We'd gotten a call on Thanksgiving that Aunt Bonnie died that day of pneumonia. Now, Aunt Bonnie is my dad's aunt, grandma's sister, my great aunt. I've always thought she was just a great lady. We spent a good amount of time with her over the years and I can't tell you how good she's been to my family. I had no idea how amazing she really was. She had one of those Life Story funerals, so I learned a lot of things...she had tuberculosis as a child and spent a year in a sanitarium. She lost her firstborn child at 5 months to a crib accident. She worked full-time as a teacher while raising four kids. She was two classes short of her doctorate when she retired. She was diagnosed with lung cancer and had one of her lungs removed in 1983. The doctors said she would only live five more years, and she lived 24. She died at age 85. Unbelievable. It was nice to see my dad's cousins, not to mention their kids, whom I haven't seen since we were all little (and they don't remember me because they're so much younger than I).
Aunt Bonnie's church was someplace I had been twice before in my life, and when I arrived I remembered that when I was younger I used to have a recurring dream that took place in that church. I was being stalked by a man I never actually saw. I ran up some back stairs in an attempt to reach safety (I could hear women in the kitchen talking), and just as I'd reach the top step, he'd grab my ankle and I'd wake up. I probably had this dream four or so times since I'd last been there, so it was definitely a strange feeling to actually revisit the place. I'm weird, I know.
Friday: I was on my way to Kent City to see one of my kids for counseling. I KNEW the roads were bad up that way. I KNEW I shouldn't have been in the left lane when there was slush in it. Nonetheless, right at the exit for 14 Mile I hit a patch of slush and started skidding/fishtailing this way and that. My ONLY concern was the huge oil tanker that was not too far behind me...more specifically, I wanted in no uncertain terms to avoid any contact with it. As my car flailed around across the two lanes, I spoke aloud exactly these words: "Sh*t-sh*t-sh*t-sh*t-ditch-ditch-ditch-ditch!" I wanted that ditch. I wanted to be cradled in its loving arms so very badly. Then I saw the other car in the ditch, and I hoped I could avoid hitting that as well. Finally, FINALLY, my tail end spun to the left and placed itself (thank you) in the ditch with my front tires resting on the rumble strip, my car at a perfectly square 90 degrees of oncoming traffic. Once I ensured I wasn't going to have a heart attack, I looked left and saw yet another car about 20 feet away...must have followed me into the ditch. (Have I mentioned that I love the ditch?) The guy in the silver Grand Am came over, asked if I was okay, and said, "I was watching you, that was really scary!" I said, "You're telling ME!" The driver of the Jeep Liberty managed to get hisself out of the ditch with his 4-Wheel drive and came over to help. I immediately got on the horn and called Progressive to send a tow truck. Mr. Grand Am said he'd called Progressive over two hours ago for his tow. We all decided that I could probably get myself out once there was a break in traffic...with a little push from my new friends, I did. I thanked them. I called Progressive and canceled my tow. I proceeded on to Kent City. While driving, I started thinking about what could have happened (oh my GOSH what could've happened), pulled over in a party store parking lot, and started bawling. I decided that I wouldn't do much good helping people heal emotionally in that kind of state, so I canceled my appointments and headed over to Josh's parents' house.
Aside from typing all that out, I'm trying really hard not to think about it.
Anyway, today's a new day, I'm excited about it, and it's well past time I went to bed. Thanks for reading all my adjectives, friends :)
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Happy Birthday, Grandma!
10. When she was a little girl, she saw her first airplane fly by and she was so excited that she wet her long bloomers.
9. She had a nice wedding planned but it was changed quite a bit when my grandpa's deployment was moved up during World War II.
8. Grandma's favorite TV show is All Creatures Great and Small; this has been her favorite show for at least 25 years.
7. Unlike many people her age, she is a die-hard Democrat and likes to tell me why Debbie Stabenow is the best choice.
6. As you may have previously heard via my blog, every article of clothing Grandma C wears is made by Alfred Dunner.
5. Grandma didn't learn how to pump her own gas until about eight years ago.
4. Grandma had her hands full with my mom and my Aunt Candy, who did not get along at. all.
3. She has always had a great distaste for cats. In fact, when I was about six years old I brought my stuffed Garfield over to her house and she took one look at it and said, "Cats are evil." (Sorry, Anne.)
2. She makes the best icebox cookies in the world.
1. She has a very dry, sarcastic sense of humor that I've really begun to appreciate a lot these past few years.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Here's how you play....once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with ten random facts, habits, or goals about yourself. At the end, choose ten people to tag, listing their names and why you chose them; don't forget to leave a comment on their page letting them know "tag you're it". You cannot tag the original people/person back that tagged you first, but let them know when you have posted so they can read your blog.
10. I love dogs. I want a dog very badly...but unfortunately we live in an apartment complex that is [apparently] a police state and does not allow anything furry and comforting (other than Josh, that is). A smallish dog like a pomeranian or cocker spaniel would be perfect. For the record, I'm not such a big fan of cats, but I do have an affinity for cats who are really dogs at heart, like my brother-in-law's cat Ned.
9. I had ancestors on the Mayflower. One of these Thanksgivings I'm going to make everyone dress up as Pilgrims, as we are usually with our Pilgrim side of the family for turkey day.
8. I love love love Saturday Night Live. I have a very irreverent sense of humor. I could spend hours on their website watching the video clips. Click the link for something hilarious...Andy Punches
7. I have recently re-resigned from my self-appointed role as Cruise Director of my life. I like using the Cruise Director analogy to indicate someone who is in charge of a given situation. I'm going back to my cabin and awaiting the next port of call. (This is the point at which the metaphor gets incredibly cheesy.)
6. I have a band of very longtime friends who I am incredibly loyal to. Lately I've really been enjoying and treasuring the way our connections to one another have morphed and changed over time...sniff.
5. I intend to be employed as a Zamboni driver before I die.
4. I have a girl crush on one Tina Fey. She's so great. Josh bought me Season 1 of 30 Rock for my birthday and it was the best thing I didn't know I needed to own. I keep offering to loan it to people, so they too can know the joy, but I can't actually bring myself to part with it.
3. I've been having a series of epiphanies lately (related to #7). Ask me about them sometime, and please bear with me as I work on figuring it all out.
2. During my freshman year of college I became known as my floor's resident computer techie-slash-Master Paper Proofreader. I coulda made money hand over fist if I'd had any assertiveness skills back then.
1. I love me some lime pepper Talapia.
I tag Anne because she's put up with so much over the years and loves me anyway... Melissa because we never got to go on our 10th (or 15th) anniversary date...I tag Rudi because he married my friend Errin and has made her a very happy woman...I tag Sarah despite the fact that she only writes in her blog once a year, because she keeps me sane at many a family gathering...and Jon because, well, he's an absolute riot, and even though I haven't spent any time with him in a few years, he's the best SaHD I know. Further, I tag Eliina because she and I started a gang in high school called Los Chulos Cubanos (The Cuban Pimps)...or maybe her gang name was Chulo Cubano. I can't remember. And that's all I've got.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Noah was pretty skittish at first, as we were hearing noises from the neighbor's apartments, but Josh's mom tipped me off that a heating pad will calm him right down. I pulled mine out from the nightstand, and man oh man did he get excited. She was right, he chilled right out! What a funny little guy.
As is appropriate (given his heritage), we'll be taking him to TexasNorth tomorrow...for a hayride...and if you're lucky, I'll get a picture of him playing inside the dishwasher.
Monday, October 15, 2007
On disappointment...
Yeah, you heard me.
In a surprising turn of events, what was once a 95% certainty became 0%. They've been told that, as a family of six, they're too expensive to send there. I got the e-mail yesterday afternoon.
Yesterday was a rough day, to be sure. I had to drive Josh back to church for his guitar-playing artistry. I had been planning to attend that service, but I was a crying, sorrowful mess...and to be perfectly honest, I was not feeling at all worshipful and was pretty angry. Fortunately that's abated now, but in the meantime I was determined that retail therapy was my cure. I left the mall empty-handed, as the pants I wanted did not want to fit me yesterday. Insult to injury! (Though it was a bit comical.) Thanks to those of you who sensed something was a bit off with me and offered me e-mails and/or MySpace comments of encouragement. Your words were incredibly helpful, even if you didn't quite know what you were comforting me about.
I did have a much better day today, though. I forced myself to think about the positive outcomes of this - we can still move come January if we want to. We could lease month-to-month and move at some point after that. There's some freedom involved, even if it isn't the financial freedom we were so looking forward to. We're not sure what we'll do, but it's good to have choices. It also helped that yesterday morning (prior to getting this news), I cleaned the bejeezus out of our apartment and thought to myself, "I love my home." There's something to be said for all this.
But it's still a bummer.
On a totally unrelated note, I'd like to recommend a fine drink called Chaider. Now, if you're totally culinarily-challenged, you can go pick one up at Kava or iced. (I love me some Kava.) OR OR OR if you'd like to save money and feel like a domestic god-dess (yes, say it that way), go buy yourself some Tazo Chai concentrate (they have it at Target and other fine establishments) and some cider. Pour 4 oz Chai into a mug, then fill it up the rest of the way with cider. Work that microwave for 2 1/2 minutes, stir well, and collapse on the floor in ecstasy...fer real. It's way up there with Kate's mac and cheese.
You can thank me later...with lavish gifts, if so inclined.
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Little wonders...
Today was another one of those great days in which I got to hang out with Adam and Sarah's kids. There's four of them. They're very busy. They're usually clambering all over each other. But gosh, they're fabulous little people. I spent the evening lamenting the fact that I'd forgotten my camera (my apologies for the pictureless post)...but let me tell you the highlights of my day with each of them. 14 months, she has just mastered the art of standing up on her own and will walk if you hold her hands. She loves to hold entire conversations with may not understand all the dialogue, but no worries - she does. Everything she sees, she points at, looks at you, and says, "wassat?" Tonight I gave her and Preston a joint bath, and let me tell you - the girl loves her some splashing. As I got concerned about how wet I was getting, I had to keep reminding myself of the pure joy she was in the midst of, and to just savor it.
Preston...what a little man he is. It's so hard to believe that he was only five months old when I first met him. He's surely bound for MENSA membership one of these days, and the expressions he makes with his chocolate brown eyes (set against his white-blond hair) are just priceless. The last time I watched him, he announced that he wanted "cornedbeefhashandeggs" for lunch. Tonight for dinner, he requested salami and cheese. Gosh, it's SO hard to believe that he and Josh were born on the same day. (Ha!) I also had to put him in time out twice today. He gets so so upset when he's put in time out, but he totally forgives me. Immediately.
Evan...well, lately we've been a bit concerned about Evan because he's a bit of a drama queen. Something tiny doesn't go his way? Total meltdown. Today, though, he had the most fabulous day. I've never had such an easy time with him. He showed me how to use the ridiculously complicated TV/DVD/cable hookup in the living room. He told me that Lainey takes soymilk in her bottle. He dressed as Darth Vader for our walk around the neighborhood. He told me that yes, in fact, he would like broccoli with his dinner. Sarah and I later concluded that it was because Spencer wasn't home and thus Evan got to be my helper and was therefore involved. Poor kid. Classic middle often, I think he's just trying to make sure he doesn't get lost in the shuffle. I just love Evan.
Spencer...well, admittedly, he was at a friend's house all day and I saw him for exactly 2.5 seconds when he got home. However, he called TWICE prior to coming home to let me know where he was at, and could I please tell Evan that he could sleep downstairs with Spencer in his room tonight? This was very important. What nearly-12-year-old boy makes such a point of having his six-year-old brother down to his room for a slumber party? I can't speak highly enough about Spencer. He's such a phenomenal kid.
Here's to all of us taking note of the glorious little moments of our day...
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
1. My office moved. Just about everybody moved somewhere. My new office isn't really any further away and I now share with only one person instead of two. Tyler and I will get on well, I think. We've already made a joint dorm fridge purchase on Craigslist to store Diet Coke, and...well, that's probably about it. I will miss the Eastown bus stop out my window, however...some days more than others. Let's just say that.
2. We've had some financial fallout from the whole condo thing...on top of losing a $500 deposit (which we were fine with), we've learned that when you apply for a mortgage, lots of people come out of the woodwork. Two in particular who say that somebody owes them some money for certain utilities they utilized while living in Allendale, MI at some point in their young adulthood.*
3. I just got a paper cut opening an envelope from one of these woodwork-type people. And it bled.
4. We're meeting on Thursday with some people about an intriguing possibility that is increasingly looking likely come January. I won't go into details just now - mainly because we don't know too many, and also because we haven't had enough of the important conversations yet. Let's just put it this way - this possibility involves shelter for the Mikrut Party of Two, and it does not include purchase OR rental. Nor does it involve a cardboard box (as I know this is your next question). If you've read Diane's blog recently, we are indeed some of the people she was referring to when she said, "Over the last few weeks I've heard many crazy stories from my friends on how Tiger is meeting their needs in such crazy and nonsensical ways and we wonder, in the end, why it's always a surprise." Yup. You'll know more when we feel we have enough info and certainty to share it.
5. For the next week and a half, we are On A Mission. We're going to create the most bizarre meals, as we are going to use only What We Already Have. I'm having a vision...I'm thinking oatmeal with a side of beets. For Lunch. Maybe.
6. Oh, and also, we're both determined to get healthier, so we're making changes simultaneously to help motivate each other. It's pretty great. Today I ate FIVE servings of fruits and vegetables. Ooops, that reminds me - I forgot to take me vitamin.
Right. Bedtime.
*Laura has NEVER been a resident of Allendale, MI.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Tell Josh congrats...
This may look like a random assortment of Roman numerals, but I assure you, is not.
It's report card season again, wOOt wOOt!
The new chalkboard announcement tells us that Josh got the certificate of merit for his Civil Procedures class. For those of you who are not Eliina, this means he got the highest grade in the class, beating out 39 other people. This is a bigger deal than it might seem...he gets an actual certificate and gets to make a note of it on his resume. The boy's in shock, he's really not sure how this happened but golly is he joyful.
Now, if I could only remember where I put the "Josh" confetti...
Monday, September 10, 2007
Happy Birthday, Nate!

Josh's little brother Nate turns 17 today. Here's a few interesting things about him:
5. Nate is child #5 out of six. Nate is also fortunate enough to be one of the only Mikruts with his Very Own Birthday (see earlier posts).
4. When Nate was confirmed, he had to choose a confirmation name. He chose Paul. This makes his full name Nathan Paul Paul Mikrut. He's hilarious.
3. We haven't seen Nate's eyes in several years due to his flowing tresses.
2. Josh and I frequently comment that Nate is a very good kid.
1. Nate borrowed my car for his drivers license test a few months ago. The check engine light has been on ever since...but at least he passed.
Sunday, September 02, 2007
EEEEEK! I forgot!
First, on the 25th, we have my illustrious brother Steve, who turned 26:

10. People often ask where Steve gets his red hair, as my parents and I all have dark brown hair. In reality, both sides of the family are blessed with that recessive gene - mom's mom has red hair, as do three of my dad's four siblings. In fact, Russell is a Scottish (and French) nickname for redhead.
9. When we were little, I had a friend over, and she and I made up a song to tease Steve that went, "Stevie Wonder's gonna get hit by thunder." I remembered the lyrics but forgot which friend it was. I was later reunited with Kim in college when I befriended her best friend Tanya - she remembered it too. Mystery solved.
8. When we moved to Lansing, six-year-old Steve got his hands on one of those Graphic Street Guide books (i.e. "For Walnut St, see page 37, coordinates A-9") and the kid memorized it. He also told my parents how to get around town.
7. Steve remembers the birthday of everyone he's ever met. He's going to be a big hit at his high school reunion.
6. As a preschooler, Steve's most treasured companion was an old, tattered Sears Christmas catalog.
5. Steve was once an ardent admirer of Cookie Monster and owned several related items, including this one.
4. Give Steve any date in history, and he will tell you what day of the week it fell on.
3. Steve is an accomplished public speaker; he once performed a solo act on one of our high school mission trips that had an incredibly funny punchline about a blue-light special.
2. Steve works in the library of the Lansing branch of Josh's law school.
1. Steve just moved out into his first apartment and we're all very happy for him!
Daddy-o then turned 66 on the 27th (because the Mikruts aren't the only ones who can pile up birthdays on top of each other) -
10. Dad was a honeymoon baby. I figured this out when I was about 11, and as his 50th birthday was approaching, I realized, "Hey, wait a minute...we just had Grandma and Grandpa's 50th anniversary party...nine months ago?"
9. His middle name is Sean, although my Grandma has always insisted that it is pronounced "Seen," which she claims is the Scottish pronunciation.
8. When I was a kid, Daddy and I always got up early together on Saturdays to watch The Muppet Show and the cartoons that followed. One of his favorite ways to get my goat was to insist that he and Gargamel were the best of friends.
7. Being the jokester that he is, Dad once painstakingly crafted gag Christmas gifts for some of his co-workers. I remember him retrofitting a string of Christmas lights, four lights in length, to plug into a co-worker's outlet. The lucky recipient was apparently very vocal about how much he hated Christmas lights.
6. I remember Dad working hard on preparations for one of my birthday parties; he got a book of kids' games from the library and my favorite of these was a shuttle relay in which we had to carry a golf ball on a spoon and hand it off to the next person without dropping it.
5. When my mom was nearing the end of her pregnancy with Steve, Dad was very insistent that 40 was too old to be welcoming a new child into the fold. Steve was born two days before Dad's 40th birthday, and Dad has been most appreciative ever since.
4. Dad has always been handy and creative in the area of woodworking. He has spent many Saturday afternoons in front of the TV watching Bob Vila on PBS, though now his interest has shifted to gardening.
3. Only my father would purchase one of those faces that you put on a big ol' tree.
2. Papa was a sailor in the Navy. He loves boats, books about boats, books about wars between boats, and all things Tom Clancy. He and Josh get along so, so well.
1. My father is one of the only people I know who does not like Mexican food. Poor guy - doesn't know what he's missing, I say.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
A quagmire of epiphanies (both complete and partially formed)
In short, we decided to walk away from our condo purchase.
Upon evaluating the final numbers and our own situation, we came to realize that it simply wasn't wise for a number of reasons. As much as we wanted to do this, we want to make sure we're coming at it from a position of financial strength, more so than right now.
Wrestling is tiring. But it brings freedom, too, and we're feeling that in spite of our disappointment. I'm tempted to be a little embarrassed about the whole thing, especially with how much we've been talking about it to people, but ultimately I'm proud of the decision we made and know that you all support us in spite of our occasional starry eyes. (And believe me, this assurance comes only after a meltdown on my part where I may or may not have said, "I'm that foolish person they always talk about in the Bible!" There was anguish and gnashing of teeth and everything.) Wrestling is painful and gut-wrenching.
After making this decision, we rushed to our 3:00 appointment for more soul-searching as conducted by a professional (aka counseling - not really related to above epiphany) and the conversation turned to my frustration with where my career is (or, rather, isn't) going. My frustration with how hard I work and how my worth as a counselor can't be measured by a formulaic job evaluation (or a suitable paycheck, for that matter). Mario (blessed man) asked me what I want to do, ultimately. I said school counseling. He then started talking about networking, about how I need to sell myself, etc. I started thinking about how difficult and awkward that sounds (albeit necessary)...then I started thinking about something Mario had said earlier...about private practice. About how he found a lot of freedom in that. And I recalled how I had thought in the past how good he has it - not having to deal with bureaucrazy (misspelling accidental but totally appropriate), insurance companies, etc. About how at the age of 16 I had read Reviving Ophelia and decided that I wanted to be a psychologist who works with depressed teenage girls and how that was what started all these shenanigans in the first place.
On the walk back out to the car, Josh said, "What are you thinking?" And I replied, "Don't talk. I'm thinking."
Truth was, I wasn't just thinking. I was listening. Realllllly listening for the first time in awhile. I was asking God if I need to alter my path a little, if I need start pursuing my original ambition. And I got kind of excited.
I don't know where this will lead, but my outlook, attitude, and list of possibilities is changing. Prayers, please...or, as Diane would say, have a little talk with Tiger for me.
On a lighter note, I've been watching a lot of 80s sitcoms on TV today. Almost on purpose...Little House on the Prairie, Full House, Family Matters, and now Roseanne (something tells me it's time to find something else to do). A number of thoughts came to mind:
+ Poor Uncle Jesse with the pink bunnies on the wall!
+ I'm so glad that I don't have to call my mother in law something like Mother Winslow
+ I wonder what young Judy Winslow is doing with her career these days?
A quick search of told me that Young Judy Winslow had a foray into hardcore pornography, which saddened me greatly. I then read her bio, which told me that she has since walked away from it and is once again pursuing a legitimate acting career and religion, which made me happy.
Right. Must find something else to do. Signing off.
Friday, August 10, 2007
Wednesday, August 01, 2007

10. When Mom was a kid, her little sister (Aunt Candy) gave all her dolls away to the neighbor girls. My mother still brings this up.
9. She can't whistle. I inherited this from her.
8. My mom smoked for several years in her 20s. She gave it up cold turkey as a wedding gift for my dad.
7. Mama Bear was born exactly two weeks before V-J Day, or the end of WWII in Japan.
6. My grandpa was not present for my mom's birth, as he was stationed in Kansas or someplace equally boring.
5. My mom makes the best snickerdoodles around. Just ask honorary Russell daughter Kym. My mom once drove to Kalamazoo on a weekday night to surprise me with a fresh batch of snickerdoodles. Kym was in on it. It was fabulous.
4. My mom has slowly turned into my grandmother over the past several years. The hallmark of this phenomenon is regular usage of the phrase, "Oh, for heaven's sake!" This is sometimes accompanied by collecting an entire wardrobe of Alfred Dunner apparel - my mom has not yet reached this pinnacle.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
A day late...
Preston is three, and as you can see, his birthday was very much orange (and Diego). Five things you may not know about Presto-Chango:
5. Preston once said that he didn't like Uncle Josh. Why? "He's bad." What did he do? "He hit me." When? "After school." The kid is full of it on all fronts. He loves his birthdaymate Uncle Josh.
4. Even though at three years old he is a very big boy, Preston cannot go to bed without at least two pluggies and a sippy cup of warm milk.
3. Preston is only willing to eat the following: hotdogs, tater tots, and apples. It is not unusual to find, in random spots such as the refrigerator or on a chair, an abandoned apple with a few tiny bites taken out of it.
2. Preston is very smart. It is rumored that he has memorized the entire Gettysburg Address.
1. Preston's favorite response to any question is, "Sure!"
It was also Josh's 32nd birthday. Here's 10 things you may not know about Josh:
10. Josh is ambivalent about the color orange.9. Josh has recently learned that he has a gluten intolerance. Last night he got a gluten-free cake made from wonderful things like sweet rice flour, tapioca flour, and xanthan gum.
8. Josh also has an intolerance to caffiene. He can't even drink decaf coffee. He has to buy this very expensive "coffee" made from chicory root, carob, and other fine wholesome ingredients.
7. Josh has an assortment of Star Wars action figures lined up on a bookshelf in our office. Also in our office? A life-sized Luke Skywalker cardboard cutout.
6. Josh does a dead-on impersonation of Milton Waddams.
5. Several years ago, Josh wrote and had a role in a locally-produced feature-length film. During filming, the set was swarmed by the GRPS SWAT team and he was commanded to lay on the ground with his hands over his head. No kidding.
4. Much like Preston, Josh likes to rock out.
3. Josh is surprised by how much he likes his Torts class. I may end up being the wife of an ambulance chaser.
2. Josh has been to China three times and obtained a very realistic fake Rolex Submariner during his last excursion.
1. Josh loves The West Wing. He owns all seven seasons and falls asleep watching it every night. The show even inspired him to make up his own dance, which he calls "Disc Two." Someday when I'm stealthy enough I'll film him doing it and post it on here for y'all.
Tomorrow's post? You guessed it...another birthday.
Friday, July 27, 2007
Little Lainey Lou, she's not quite two...
Five little-known facts about our niece and goddaughter, Lainey:
5. She has quite the extensive vocabulary. Two of her favorite words are "baby" and "kitty."
4. Lainey doesn't much care for fruit. She would much rather eat a jar of squash.
3. Lainey loves kitties, especially the family cat, Nedwin. Ned is a good sport and lets Lainey poke, prod, and pull on him mercilessly.
2. Lainey LOVES Shrek and can watch the entire movie with rapt attention in a single sitting.
1. Lainey absolutely hates it when you wear a hat or other head accessory. She will start crying the minute she sees you and will shun you for hours after you've removed the offending item.
Next on the birthday docket we have Preston and Uncle Josh...both on Monday.
And as for the shiner on Preston's right eye...we're not sure what happened. His story was rather inconsistent. From what we can tell, it involved the kid next door, Connor, and either a car, a golf club, or a baseball bat. Yowch. Preston had a bad week in the face department, given that on Sunday morning he put a YoGo up his nose at big brother Evan's request. Moral of the story? Don't do what Evan tells you to.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Oh Preston.
Preston Elijah.
How silly you are.
As a little background - my nephew Preston has only been to my house once and probably doesn't remember it. Sometimes he asks me about where Uncle Josh and I live, and I tell him it's far away.
Fast forward to tonight - my mother in law (bless her) calls me as I am having dinner with my mom in Portland, MI (undeniably far away from my usual locale) and tells me that Preston wants to talk to me. Apparently while babysitting him tonight, they'd been sitting out on the front porch and he'd started listing off all the people he loves. Then he got to me "I love Aunt Laura" and decided he needed to give me a ring. Smart kid.
So he gets on the phone and is very, very insistent that I come over tonight to watch Shrek with him.
So I explain, "Oh honey, I'm sorry, I can't...I'm really far away right now and I can't come there tonight." To which he replies, "Well, when you're done at your house come over here and watch Shrek."
(This connection did not dawn on me until just a few minutes ago, mind you.)
Then I again explain that I am very, very far away and I by the time I got there, he would be in bed. He says (very earnestly), "No, I'm not going to bed yet." I hear some talking in the background, and he says, very matter-of-fact, "Grandma says I'm going to bed soon."
So apparently then I was told that I am going to come over tomorrow night to watch Shrek.
Preston will turn three later this month.
And his birthday is going to be orange. (Or so he keeps telling us.)
PS - What's the place where Shrek lives? Far Far Away? HMMMMMM...
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Movin' on up....
Speaking of that kind, congrats to my good friends Liz and Jeff. Liz was a good friend in college who helped get me through some...uhhh...interesting Russian Culture classes (we learned a LOT about this guy) and shared my profound affinity for fine cinema. Today they welcomed two new little he-Wierengas - Gibson Donald and Henry Daniel. Here are the official publicity photos:

Aren't they lovely? Laura might have to make a stop out in Clarksville before long to say hello. Additionally, Mama and Papa are about to celebrate their 4th anniversary on July 4 - that was one schweet wedding. We all got little pies as favors. Great theme, guys.
That's all for'll know more as we know more!
Monday, May 21, 2007
Oh, sweet Jesus
Some photos of this evening's festivities:
We've been through some gut-wrenching emotion over here at Mikrut Central lately, much of which has resulted from a certain final grade that did not correctly reflect a certain amount of studiousness on the subject of Torts. I won't go into that so much, because today was a much better day. I get a phone call from my boy, who informs me that another of his grades has posted, and he'd gotten an A- in Contracts.
Huge. Freakin'. Victory.
The boy is exuberant. He's thrilled. His faith in himself has been restored. He tells me that prior to calling me, he ran around the house and shrieked like Macaulay Culkin. (Don't you just love the imagery?) Although when you think about it, Mac's shrieking was not so much from joy as it was Aqua Velva, but whatever.
I found JOSH confetti at Meijer. Life doesn't get much better than this.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Tonight I finally convinced Josh to try Yahtzee, which he had NEVER PLAYED IN HIS LIFE. Seriously - how does one get through nearly 32 years in a developed nation without knowing how to play Yahtzee? Anyway, he caught on quickly but had bad luck. He then taught me chess and poker.
I would like to state, for the record, that I whooped ol' boy's butt in 2 games of Yahtzee, five card stud, and seven card stud. Unfortunately, his bishop checkmated my king. Grrr.
Another interesting component of my day...I was drugg'd. As some background, I am a lifelong sufferer of these horrific cramps in my feet, the kind where two of your toes clamp together and curl downward. It hurts like crazy. I've been told to take potassium supplements, calcium supplements, drink lots of water, and stretch my feet on a regular basis. Do you think any of this helps? 'Course not. (Why should my body work like it's supposed to?) Anyway, last night I was just starting to drop off at 2 a.m. when all of a sudden - searing, painful spasm in m'left foot. I got up and stretched it every which way I could think of. I put on my fleece "booty socks." I wrapped my foot in a heating pad on the highest setting. (I should take this opportunity to point out that the two latter actions have great possibility of making things worse, as they require some degree of pointing my toe.) Anyway, nothing was working, and Grumpy Sleepy Josh muttered, "WHY do you keep wiggling around???" So I said screw it and retrieved one of Josh's Flexeril (sp?) tablets out of the medicine cabinet. Now, I know it's illegal to take someone else's prescription (so SHHHH). And I knew full well that these fine muscle relaxers would make me a zombie all day today.
I was a zombie all day today. But at least I didn't get arrested.
So even though I zoned out a lot at church, dozed off on the couch at Josh's grandma's this afternoon, and didn't get any of my rapidly-coming-due paperwork done for my day job, that's okay. IT WAS WORTH IT.
To paraphrase a song from this morning - I'd like to love my feet to heaven. Or at least a perpetually relaxed state.
So now, Sleepy Rubber Cement Girl is off to bed.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Signing off (or TTFN in KateSpeak)

I am giving up the Information Superhighway for Lent.
(You know you love it, Anne. I love it too!)
Not entirely, though. I do need to use it for work, and there is critical information I get via e-mail (regarding bills, important social events, etc). I should mention here that a big reason that I want to do this is that I need to better develop my social life here in GR and I spend way too much time on cyber-socialization. And it's not good for me at. all. So if this is my goal, why would I want to risk missing out on movie nights, k-nitting parties, Law School Oscars Night Parties, and the like? Right. E-mail's not my problem.
MySpace is. Blogger is (even though I rarely post, I spend way too much time reading others' posts and checking back to see if there are any new posts). Facebook is. is. Random surfing for the purpose of random surfing is. Instant Messenger is. So these are the things I will be giving up. (Realize here that I am going out on a limb to admit my obscene nerdiness...)
I can do e-mail, I can do work for my job, I can read some news as long as I don't spend too much time on it. I can shop if there is something that I need to buy and I know I can buy it at a particular website.
But that's it. No more.
I am praying that my Lenten journey brings me better time management, more time actually interacting with people in person, and more time for spiritual matters. Oh, and maybe I'll actually get off my duff and go work out.
AND, in a funny (and Diane-esque) turn of events, my computer decided to crash on Saturday. I mean crashed. Windows has gone belly-up. Gotta call the IT guy to come nurse it back to health and *hopefully* I won't lose all my music, photos, and all the papers I've written since my freshman year of college. Seriously, if that wasn't a sign, what is?
So I won't be leaving you all witty comments for awhile. (For that I am truly sorry, for I am a funny funny woman.) You can leave me comments if you like, as I will be able to moderate them from my e-mail, but I won't be responding. If you want to communicado con yo, e-mail me. (laura[dot]mikrut[at]gmail[dot]com)...or you can call me and say, "Hey Laura, in honor of your boycott of the internet, let's go to the arcade and play some Pong." (Seriously...I would do it. I'm not above Pong.) You all know my number.
So I will be seeing you on Easter Sunday...or mabye after that. I might be perfectly happy to stay off the grid by that point.
PS - I'm also giving up pop. It's not good for ya, yo. But I'm not giving up WHAM! (That one's just for you, Kate.)
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Hearts and flowers rings and vows (rings and vows!)
Today is V-day, of course. I never put THAT much stake in it, but I am a girl and thus always thought it would be nice to have a lovely person to share the Hallmark holiday with.
That didn't usually happen for me, which was just as well. My friends and I celebrated in a number of ways over the years. In college Kym and I started the AVD parties (Anti-Valentine's Day for those of you not possessing the gift of acronymical intuition)...these celebrations took a number of forms. I don't recall which came first, but it always involved a large gathering of some high school friends and some wholesome activity. There was the time we piled into cars with the mission of doing laser tag. I don't remember why that didn't work out, but I do remember that we wound up at a coffee shop over on the West side of Lansing. The best part about that one was making Matt and Emily break up for the evening...they were long-standing high school sweeties, and our rule was that only single people could participate...thus, we told them they had to break up. No touching, no kissing, no riding in the same car. They hated it but wanted too much to be part of the fun to really object. Then there was the time we had the AVD bake-off at Kym's parents' house...we made sugar cookies and decorated them with black frosting in a tube with Xs through hearts and that sort of thing. It was great fun. I have pictures somewhere. There was another year when Kym, Anne, and I shared an elegant dinner. It was like our own little romantic date. I think we even lit candles.
Then there was grad school. Most of the AVD people were long gone - moved away to faraway states, gotten married, fallen out of touch, etc. About four years ago Melissa (middle school friend), her roommate Suzanne (our favorite tree-hugging vegetarian) and I had a fun-filled rendezvous that gave a whole new meaning to V-Day. We made tacos with vegetarian taco "meat" (V #1 is for vegetarian). Then we went up to campus for a special V-day performance of the Vagina Monologues. (I don't think I need to tell you that there's a second V there!) Then, on the way home, Melissa and I were riding in her old beloved Ford Probe (otherwise known as the Anal Probe) when "All That She Wants" by WHAM! came on the radio, and of course we had to car dance. We laughed until we cried and it henceforth became known as the Vagina Dance (its moniker deriving ENTIRELY from the show we'd just been to, don't get any funny ideas, people). Not too long thereafter I found the album at CD Warehouse and it's been one of my favorite songs ever since. I love you, Closeted George Michael.

Fast forward to two years ago. I had met Josh. I had a bona fide boy in my life who I had, by that point, had decided was a keeper (THE keeper, in fact). He stretched V-Day into a week, leaving me little clues and notes around my apartment (one being in my dictionary because we're both nerdy like that). He snuck into my office when I didn't even know he was in town and left these on my desk:

Sweet boy.
Here's us a few days thereafter - look how happy we were, flush with all the joys of new love (including Josh's lopsided smile, compliments of Bell's Palsy):

Last year? We were going insane putting together the final details for our wedding...only four days to go. We decided that Valentine's Day didn't really need to involve a big fuss, so we decided to go low-key and have a Big Fat Mars Hill Wedding.

This year? Several ideas got thrown around, including having two holidays in one, having a romantic Valentine's-like holiday in the summer one point this involved tears on my end (because despite all my practicality, I am a GIRL)...we came to a decision, and then things morphed in their own way despite our plans...last night Josh came home with a dozen roses, a bag of Valentine's peanut M&Ms, and V-Day socks. I gave him a Reese's Peanut Butter Heart (a big one, mind you) and a Tamale Pie dinner kit he'd had his eye on. Then I caved and gave him his anniversary gifts too - an iPod armband for the gym (he learned his lesson after dropping his on the treadmill) and a new gym bag. (Maybe I was sending him mixed messages with the fattening candy and the gym paraphenalia?) Valentine's Day is February 14th. Our first anniversary is the 18th. We did much of our celebrating last night...although we're going to fancy dinner and symphony on Friday and at some point this weekend we'll eat our (most likely freezerburned) anniversary cake, bust out our gorgeous crystal toasting flutes, and drink the duty-free Korbel champagne we bought on our cruise. I just love that we bought champagne in St. Thomas that we could've gotten at Meijer. So exotic. Oh well. Here's a final parting picture for you all:
Thus Endeth The History Of Valentine's Day by Laura Russell Mikrut. (This is where you sarcastically say, "Good story, Grandpa! Tell it again!")
Happy V-Day to you, however you choose to celebrate.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Mi esposo es MUY divertido
Laura: I want to learn to knit. (k-nit for those of you whose gates swing that way)
Josh (distractedly): Well, have the genetic disposition...and the right source material...
Source material??? Does he speak of ore and wood? Are we playing Settlers of Catan today?
She got me!
Five random, little-known facts about me:
1. I can't whistle. (No elaboration needed on that one.)
2. Since I graduated from high school nine years ago, I haven't lived in any one place longer than 13 consecutive months. I have been living here for 12 months. I'm getting crazy antsy and have been looking for houses on and even for other apartments, despite the fact that we just renewed our lease. (Two years in one place? What will I DO?) Somebody smack me upside the head and tell me that I already have a perfectly good place to live. Sheesh.
3. Seeing an inappropriately placed apostrophe makes my skin crawl. I'm a spelling and grammar nazi too, but I've made the apostrophes my own special cause.
4. Last night, I won my first game of Scrabble. Ever. (For the record, I also won Boggle - I was a word maniac!)
5. When I was in elementary school, I read the Little House books obsessively. Of course, it helped that my name was already Laura...all I needed was a long skirt with a petticoat. The closest I could get was a knee-length magenta skirt that was quite full. One summer I wore it every. single. day. (Whether or not it matched anything else I was wearing!)
Okay, your turn...Anne, Rudi, Marie, Chris, Tracy...go! (But seriously, Tracy...only if you have time!)
Thursday, January 04, 2007
La la la...
My first day at my new job.
My very exciting first day.
At my lovely, wonderful new job.
But not now.
I have to figure out how to get my Bluetooth to work so that I can send some pictures from my phone to my computer.
Because they're worth seeing, and fully explain the excitement of the day.
My new office is on Lake Drive, and that's all I'm gonna say.