Friday, July 27, 2007

Little Lainey Lou, she's not quite two...

...but today, she's one!

Five little-known facts about our niece and goddaughter, Lainey:

5. She has quite the extensive vocabulary. Two of her favorite words are "baby" and "kitty."

4. Lainey doesn't much care for fruit. She would much rather eat a jar of squash.

3. Lainey loves kitties, especially the family cat, Nedwin. Ned is a good sport and lets Lainey poke, prod, and pull on him mercilessly.

2. Lainey LOVES Shrek and can watch the entire movie with rapt attention in a single sitting.

1. Lainey absolutely hates it when you wear a hat or other head accessory. She will start crying the minute she sees you and will shun you for hours after you've removed the offending item.

Next on the birthday docket we have Preston and Uncle Josh...both on Monday.

Hopefully Josh is okay with having an orange birthday. (Or a Diego birthday...whatever.)

And as for the shiner on Preston's right eye...we're not sure what happened. His story was rather inconsistent. From what we can tell, it involved the kid next door, Connor, and either a car, a golf club, or a baseball bat. Yowch. Preston had a bad week in the face department, given that on Sunday morning he put a YoGo up his nose at big brother Evan's request. Moral of the story? Don't do what Evan tells you to.


Eliina said...

Do I spy Comiskey (aka US Cellular Field?)? I think I do. :)

Miss Laura said...

Indeed, you do. Our Tigers were beat by the usually-dismal White Sox in an embarrassing ninth inning.