Sunday, January 28, 2007

Mi esposo es MUY divertido

Picture it: Gaines Township, 2007. Josh is engrossed in Back to the Future 3 on AMC (which, may I add, he JUST WATCHED LAST WEEK). Laura wanders into the room.

Laura: I want to learn to knit. (k-nit for those of you whose gates swing that way)
Josh (distractedly): Well, have the genetic disposition...and the right source material...

Source material??? Does he speak of ore and wood? Are we playing Settlers of Catan today?

She got me!

Diane, that is. Thanks, for tagging me, friend!

Five random, little-known facts about me:

1. I can't whistle. (No elaboration needed on that one.)

2. Since I graduated from high school nine years ago, I haven't lived in any one place longer than 13 consecutive months. I have been living here for 12 months. I'm getting crazy antsy and have been looking for houses on and even for other apartments, despite the fact that we just renewed our lease. (Two years in one place? What will I DO?) Somebody smack me upside the head and tell me that I already have a perfectly good place to live. Sheesh.

3. Seeing an inappropriately placed apostrophe makes my skin crawl. I'm a spelling and grammar nazi too, but I've made the apostrophes my own special cause.

4. Last night, I won my first game of Scrabble. Ever. (For the record, I also won Boggle - I was a word maniac!)

5. When I was in elementary school, I read the Little House books obsessively. Of course, it helped that my name was already Laura...all I needed was a long skirt with a petticoat. The closest I could get was a knee-length magenta skirt that was quite full. One summer I wore it every. single. day. (Whether or not it matched anything else I was wearing!)

Okay, your turn...Anne, Rudi, Marie, Chris, Tracy...go! (But seriously, Tracy...only if you have time!)

Thursday, January 04, 2007

La la la...

...I'm back. Sorta. Anne reminded me that I haven't posted in awhile, and I must admit she's right. But I have been thinking about it. I'm just lazy. So here's the thing...I'm going to blog about yesterday.

My first day at my new job.

My very exciting first day.

At my lovely, wonderful new job.

But not now.


I have to figure out how to get my Bluetooth to work so that I can send some pictures from my phone to my computer.

Because they're worth seeing, and fully explain the excitement of the day.

My new office is on Lake Drive, and that's all I'm gonna say.