Tuesday, October 31, 2006


I know that I haven't posted in awhile. I know that I probably have all sorts of interesting things to share with you...like spending a day snuggling into a featherbed in a room at the Grand Traverse Resort (with a killer view of the bay, mind you) while enjoying a room-service quesadilla with J-Dogg. Like getting tipsy on cosmos with Mrs. Falicki this weekend and having a good ol' time in D-town. Like going to the Michigan School Counselors Association annual conference Sunday and Monday. Like going to the dentist today for the fourth time since getting my fillings in May because it hurts to bite down on crunchy things (and subsequently finding out that there was an air pocket in one of my fillings - got that taken care of).

Instead, however, I would like to make one solitary statement:

John Kerry, your statements today have done nothing but remind me once again why I did NOT vote for you. Apologize to the troops, for they are the people you insulted. (Let it be known that I would love to throw around some choice words here, but we're running a family-friendly show.)

The End. Enjoy the rest of your evening.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

At Diane's request...

Thank you, my friend, for reminding me that it has now been officially over a month since I posted!

Yesterday was my birthday. Yes, indeed, I am 27...officially in my Upper Twenties. (Or, as Sera Kitty would say, Halfway To Fifty Four.) Lovely gifts, lovely cake, lovely burritos, lovely in-laws to celebrate with. I got two (2) pairs of Halloween socks. Josh and I are going to Traverse City this weekend to a) celebrate birthday; and b) commemorate engagement which happened this time last year. We'll go to my old church on Sunday and hopefully I can introduce him to my kindergarten teacher. Mrs. Good will just love him, I am sure!

Today I taught. Yes, that's right, got up in front of kids and fed their minds. Who'da thunk? I actually enjoyed it! (And so did they!) The teachers were very complimentary and said I did a great job - a much-needed professional ego boost. We made collages about ourselves and shared them with the class in the hopes that these kids will learn to appreciate each other's differences and quit throwing racial slurs at each other. This poor school needs so much love and understanding. It's amazing how nasty trailer park culture can be and how it affects these poor kids. There's one girl I see who has turbulent friendships with several of the other kids. Why? Because her mother gets in fights with THEIR parents, they all call the cops on each other, etc. Poor things. I wish they could understand how much better it could be.

I've decided that I need to lay off the news for awhile. The world is so unbelievably depressing to me right now. Madonna infuriates me with her adoption. (Why couldn't she financially sponsor the family so this boy could return to his father? Why leave him alone with her staff his FIRST NIGHT at her home?) I am still grieving the recent school shootings (especially the Amish one). I am utterly and thoroughly convinced that video games are one of the main causes of the recent surge of violence in adolescents (don't ever buy them for your kids). Josh suggested we join the Amish. I pointed out that neither of us would adjust well, what with our overeducated worldviews and propensity to drop four-letter words. He agreed. But it WOULD be nice. These people know what they're doing. They get it. There's something to be said for a simpler way of life. A communal way of life. A life of quiet joys. A life of utter dependence on God and your community. A life free of garbage, clutter, and overstimulation.

In short - no news. No Madonna. No staying up too late playing with my gadgets. More time sharing time with others. For awhile.

In other, unrelated news, I got two new pairs of jeans tonight. They fit me. They were only $30 apiece. (I wish I were in Britain so that I could say they cost me 30 quid.) I bought them with a gift card I got for my birthday. My jeans situation was, until today, quite hopeless...the one pair I had that fit JUST TODAY got a hole in a very unflattering region. So for all my talk of living a simpler, less commercialized life, thank you, God, for your divine hand of good fit and price during my JC Penney experience this evening.

I have a final request...Josh should be getting his LSAT score sometime in the next four days. We are not worried about him getting into law school...what hangs in the balance is how much scholarship money he'll get. His practice test scores very consistently put him in the range for a 75% scholarship, and one score was very close to what he would need for a 100% scholarship. I'm asking you all to pray for blessings on this score...that it will serve Josh well and help meet our financial needs. That would be fantastic, friends. Thank you.

Tomorrow...college trip to Ferris with the high schoolers! YESSSSSS! Free lunch! School bus ride! Maybe I can get them all to sing 'The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air' with me...