Thursday, November 09, 2006

Busy as bees are we!

Flurry of activity over here lately...

1. Going to seminars, conferences, and other professional development-type events.
2. Madly finishing internship hours (5 weeks left!)
3. Have taken on a contract job with the Kent ISD to recruit students at my secondary school placement for an afterschool tutoring/credit recovery program. Fortunately, some of these hours overlap with internship hours (but with money!)
4. Applying for jobs (two in last two days, perhaps another tomorrow)
5. Trying to remember to do laundry (failing miserably, aside from non-essential laundry: case in point - washing and ironing of duvet cover as opposed to crucial underwear washing)
6. Ruminating about progress on wedding thank yous - it's not that we're not grateful, we REALLY are! It's just so hard when EVERYTHING is a priority...but we will send them, and they will be overflowing with love and gratitude for the ways everyone gave of themselves for us.
7. Operation TightBudget - need I say more?
8. Trying to fit social things into the calendar, such as Beneath The Wreath with Anne and Marnee last month
9. We traveled most weekends in October and it was exhausting.


1. Applying for law school with plans to start in January
2. Prepping for second taking of LSAT on December 2nd - his first score wasn't bad, but we're shooting for more scholarship money.
3. Finishing three incompletes from master's degree - two in the form of retaking the classes, one in the form of finishing that last paper...
4. Working at Carrabba's 3-4 nights per week (although he is taking a 3-week hiatus for LSAT prep)
5. Operation TightBudget - hey, let's not pretend it's only affecting one of us!
6. Organizing a cover band and having fairly regular reunions with former band MilitantPoet.
7. Also lots of traveling weekends in October
8. Mars Hill worship team commitments

We're running a race here, people, and in many ways we're near the end...and yet also near the beginning of another! We would love some extra love and prayers! That I can manage to wear clean clothes to work...that Josh have focused time for LSAT prep...that he scores better on this test...that I figure out all the irritating and confusing details surrounding the licensures I'm seeking...that I find a JOB...that we both get good sleep and nutrition...and maybe even some time for exercise. Also, if you could throw in an extra bonus prayer, we are really hoping to not have to deal with any car troubles until I am working again!

So if you wondered where I have been, or have been wondering how we're doing...there you go! Love and miss you all - we promise to emerge into the world again sometime soon!