Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Happy Birthday, Grandma!

Today is Grandma Chipman's 91st birthday. Here are ten things you may not know about her:

10. When she was a little girl, she saw her first airplane fly by and she was so excited that she wet her long bloomers.

9. She had a nice wedding planned but it was changed quite a bit when my grandpa's deployment was moved up during World War II.

8. Grandma's favorite TV show is All Creatures Great and Small; this has been her favorite show for at least 25 years.

7. Unlike many people her age, she is a die-hard Democrat and likes to tell me why Debbie Stabenow is the best choice.

6. As you may have previously heard via my blog, every article of clothing Grandma C wears is made by Alfred Dunner.

5. Grandma didn't learn how to pump her own gas until about eight years ago.

4. Grandma had her hands full with my mom and my Aunt Candy, who did not get along at. all.

3. She has always had a great distaste for cats. In fact, when I was about six years old I brought my stuffed Garfield over to her house and she took one look at it and said, "Cats are evil." (Sorry, Anne.)

2. She makes the best icebox cookies in the world.

1. She has a very dry, sarcastic sense of humor that I've really begun to appreciate a lot these past few years.

Saturday, November 17, 2007


So Diane got me. (Mainly because I whined.)

Here's how you play....once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with ten random facts, habits, or goals about yourself. At the end, choose ten people to tag, listing their names and why you chose them; don't forget to leave a comment on their page letting them know "tag you're it". You cannot tag the original people/person back that tagged you first, but let them know when you have posted so they can read your blog.

10. I love dogs. I want a dog very badly...but unfortunately we live in an apartment complex that is [apparently] a police state and does not allow anything furry and comforting (other than Josh, that is). A smallish dog like a pomeranian or cocker spaniel would be perfect. For the record, I'm not such a big fan of cats, but I do have an affinity for cats who are really dogs at heart, like my brother-in-law's cat Ned.

9. I had ancestors on the Mayflower. One of these Thanksgivings I'm going to make everyone dress up as Pilgrims, as we are usually with our Pilgrim side of the family for turkey day.

8. I love love love Saturday Night Live. I have a very irreverent sense of humor. I could spend hours on their website watching the video clips. Click the link for something hilarious...Andy Punches

7. I have recently re-resigned from my self-appointed role as Cruise Director of my life. I like using the Cruise Director analogy to indicate someone who is in charge of a given situation. I'm going back to my cabin and awaiting the next port of call. (This is the point at which the metaphor gets incredibly cheesy.)

6. I have a band of very longtime friends who I am incredibly loyal to. Lately I've really been enjoying and treasuring the way our connections to one another have morphed and changed over time...sniff.

5. I intend to be employed as a Zamboni driver before I die.

4. I have a girl crush on one Tina Fey. She's so great. Josh bought me Season 1 of 30 Rock for my birthday and it was the best thing I didn't know I needed to own. I keep offering to loan it to people, so they too can know the joy, but I can't actually bring myself to part with it.

3. I've been having a series of epiphanies lately (related to #7). Ask me about them sometime, and please bear with me as I work on figuring it all out.

2. During my freshman year of college I became known as my floor's resident computer techie-slash-Master Paper Proofreader. I coulda made money hand over fist if I'd had any assertiveness skills back then.

1. I love me some lime pepper Talapia.

I tag Anne because she's put up with so much over the years and loves me anyway... Melissa because we never got to go on our 10th (or 15th) anniversary date...I tag Rudi because he married my friend Errin and has made her a very happy woman...I tag Sarah despite the fact that she only writes in her blog once a year, because she keeps me sane at many a family gathering...and Jon because, well, he's an absolute riot, and even though I haven't spent any time with him in a few years, he's the best SaHD I know. Further, I tag Eliina because she and I started a gang in high school called Los Chulos Cubanos (The Cuban Pimps)...or maybe her gang name was Chulo Cubano. I can't remember. And that's all I've got.