10. When she was a little girl, she saw her first airplane fly by and she was so excited that she wet her long bloomers.
9. She had a nice wedding planned but it was changed quite a bit when my grandpa's deployment was moved up during World War II.
8. Grandma's favorite TV show is All Creatures Great and Small; this has been her favorite show for at least 25 years.
7. Unlike many people her age, she is a die-hard Democrat and likes to tell me why Debbie Stabenow is the best choice.
6. As you may have previously heard via my blog, every article of clothing Grandma C wears is made by Alfred Dunner.
5. Grandma didn't learn how to pump her own gas until about eight years ago.
4. Grandma had her hands full with my mom and my Aunt Candy, who did not get along at. all.
3. She has always had a great distaste for cats. In fact, when I was about six years old I brought my stuffed Garfield over to her house and she took one look at it and said, "Cats are evil." (Sorry, Anne.)
2. She makes the best icebox cookies in the world.
1. She has a very dry, sarcastic sense of humor that I've really begun to appreciate a lot these past few years.
WHAT?! Cats are evil? I didn't think she had a mean word in her vocabulary. I forgive er because she's so cute. And old. 91! Wow. Is she still driving?
Oh, believe me, she has several snide remarks in her...but they're always well-played and amusing. And no, she stopped driving a little over a year ago because she didn't think it was smart to continue...that's when my parents bought her car and we bought my dad's Taurus.
I like anyone who wears bloomers.
FYI: you keep those things if she still has them...each leg makes the most adorable praire skirt you've ever seen. Maybe not the pair she saw the plane in...but you know.
Hmmm, I think that airplane bit happened sometime in the 1920s, so I'm guessing that she doesn't still have them...bummer.
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