Tuesday, October 31, 2006


I know that I haven't posted in awhile. I know that I probably have all sorts of interesting things to share with you...like spending a day snuggling into a featherbed in a room at the Grand Traverse Resort (with a killer view of the bay, mind you) while enjoying a room-service quesadilla with J-Dogg. Like getting tipsy on cosmos with Mrs. Falicki this weekend and having a good ol' time in D-town. Like going to the Michigan School Counselors Association annual conference Sunday and Monday. Like going to the dentist today for the fourth time since getting my fillings in May because it hurts to bite down on crunchy things (and subsequently finding out that there was an air pocket in one of my fillings - got that taken care of).

Instead, however, I would like to make one solitary statement:

John Kerry, your statements today have done nothing but remind me once again why I did NOT vote for you. Apologize to the troops, for they are the people you insulted. (Let it be known that I would love to throw around some choice words here, but we're running a family-friendly show.)

The End. Enjoy the rest of your evening.


BoxcatAV said...

When did Mr. Kerry open his mouth?

diane said...

this comment has nothing to do with your current post...but I don't have your email nor do I have your number...

I want GAME NIGHT!! :) Are you available November 17? If not, then we're already lookin' at December...