Thursday, January 04, 2007

La la la...

...I'm back. Sorta. Anne reminded me that I haven't posted in awhile, and I must admit she's right. But I have been thinking about it. I'm just lazy. So here's the thing...I'm going to blog about yesterday.

My first day at my new job.

My very exciting first day.

At my lovely, wonderful new job.

But not now.


I have to figure out how to get my Bluetooth to work so that I can send some pictures from my phone to my computer.

Because they're worth seeing, and fully explain the excitement of the day.

My new office is on Lake Drive, and that's all I'm gonna say.

1 comment:

KatieKate said...

WOOOOHOOOO! Laura has a job!

You are the new stylist at Capelli's Salon, yes? No? Perhaps the new antique dealer at Easttown antiques peddling hankerchiefs? No? A teller at Huntington?

Do tell.