Monday, October 15, 2007

On disappointment...

I recently told you about a potential living situation that, at the time, seemed unbelievably God-driven. A friend of mine, her husband, and their four children were very, very likely going to be moving to China for a two-year-long job assignment. They asked if we'd consider living in their house while they're gone. Rent-free.

Yeah, you heard me.

In a surprising turn of events, what was once a 95% certainty became 0%. They've been told that, as a family of six, they're too expensive to send there. I got the e-mail yesterday afternoon.

Yesterday was a rough day, to be sure. I had to drive Josh back to church for his guitar-playing artistry. I had been planning to attend that service, but I was a crying, sorrowful mess...and to be perfectly honest, I was not feeling at all worshipful and was pretty angry. Fortunately that's abated now, but in the meantime I was determined that retail therapy was my cure. I left the mall empty-handed, as the pants I wanted did not want to fit me yesterday. Insult to injury! (Though it was a bit comical.) Thanks to those of you who sensed something was a bit off with me and offered me e-mails and/or MySpace comments of encouragement. Your words were incredibly helpful, even if you didn't quite know what you were comforting me about.

I did have a much better day today, though. I forced myself to think about the positive outcomes of this - we can still move come January if we want to. We could lease month-to-month and move at some point after that. There's some freedom involved, even if it isn't the financial freedom we were so looking forward to. We're not sure what we'll do, but it's good to have choices. It also helped that yesterday morning (prior to getting this news), I cleaned the bejeezus out of our apartment and thought to myself, "I love my home." There's something to be said for all this.

But it's still a bummer.

On a totally unrelated note, I'd like to recommend a fine drink called Chaider. Now, if you're totally culinarily-challenged, you can go pick one up at Kava or iced. (I love me some Kava.) OR OR OR if you'd like to save money and feel like a domestic god-dess (yes, say it that way), go buy yourself some Tazo Chai concentrate (they have it at Target and other fine establishments) and some cider. Pour 4 oz Chai into a mug, then fill it up the rest of the way with cider. Work that microwave for 2 1/2 minutes, stir well, and collapse on the floor in ecstasy...fer real. It's way up there with Kate's mac and cheese.

You can thank me later...with lavish gifts, if so inclined.


Jon said...

If you want you can move in with Anne.

Miss Laura said...

SHHHHH...if she knows about it in advance, she'll just tell us no. We were going to just show up with our stuff, then she'd be too flabbergasted to turn us away...

KatieKate said...

I have been wanting to ask but knew that it would come up when you were ready. Let us wallow with you and then we will break the bad mood together when you are ready. It's totally ok to mourn. You're not silly to have talked about it before it was a sure thing... it's a process. ugh again. But good job on cleaning your house. I woul dhave crawled into a dusty corner and just lived with it.

And, can you puh-leeze bring your Chaider to the hayride? Not necessary for Mikrut admission, mind you, but it would be oh so fabulous.

BoxcatAV said...

I'm sorry, Loralie! If it's an consolation, a lovely parcel (or what I think to be lovely) is in the US mail system to your house to celebrate your birth, as gifts aren't welcome on Sunday.

(I would let you move in with me but Callie and Lucy would induce squinty eye. Plus, I only have a twin bed in the spare room.)

Jon said...

Besides Anne doesn't like strangers pooping in her upstairs bathroom. She was going to make me use the one in the basement.

mr. chris said...

hey lo, i know how apartment living can get, but check out thats the company that we rent from now. they have 6 or 7 properties throughout G.R. with tons and tons of different layouts and you can paint your units and choose from as many or as few extra ammenities as you like(vaulted ceilings, fireplace,dens) we're at woodland creek right now and they have at least 5 or 6 layouts that would probably fit you guys, and seriously, all the side perks they offer make it so worth it. did i mention indoor heated pool AND they have FREE contintental breakfast at the clubhouse mon-fri.

check it out or call rie or i

love ya, the dornans

the dicocco gang said...

oh, this is a sad story - at least sad in the sense that we think we know and we let our hearts get swept up into the excitement... and then it turns out there is something different in store. I'll be sad with you guys - and then celebrate with you when the new plan is highlighted.

I got a Dragonfly at Kava last night. I'll be back for another one soon. 1/2 cold cider, 1/2 fizzy water , cherry and almond syrups. It was dreamy. Although, anything with cherry or almond syrup in it is way high on my list.

Anonymous said...

hey there mrs mikrut, how are you guys now? it's been a couple weeks of getting used to not having that free place... anything new on the radar screen? where are you now, what part of town? and where's work/school/whatever besides kava? ;)

Anonymous said...

oh, and i forgot to say, i'm glad the retail therapy didn't work out for you! ;)