Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Hello, friends. I'm feeling listy today.

1. My office moved. Just about everybody moved somewhere. My new office isn't really any further away and I now share with only one person instead of two. Tyler and I will get on well, I think. We've already made a joint dorm fridge purchase on Craigslist to store Diet Coke, and...well, that's probably about it. I will miss the Eastown bus stop out my window, however...some days more than others. Let's just say that.

2. We've had some financial fallout from the whole condo thing...on top of losing a $500 deposit (which we were
fine with), we've learned that when you apply for a mortgage, lots of people come out of the woodwork. Two in particular who say that somebody owes them some money for certain utilities they utilized while living in Allendale, MI at some point in their young adulthood.*

3. I just got a paper cut opening an envelope from one of these woodwork-type people. And it bled.

4. We're meeting on Thursday with some people about an intriguing possibility that is increasingly looking likely come January. I won't go into details just now - mainly because we don't know too many, and also because we haven't had enough of the important conversations yet. Let's just put it this way - this possibility involves shelter for the Mikrut Party of Two, and it does not include purchase OR rental. Nor does it involve a cardboard box (as I know this is your next question). If you've read Diane's blog recently, we are indeed some of the people she was referring to when she said,
"Over the last few weeks I've heard many crazy stories from my friends on how Tiger is meeting their needs in such crazy and nonsensical ways and we wonder, in the end, why it's always a surprise." Yup. You'll know more when we feel we have enough info and certainty to share it.

5. For the next week and a half, we are On A Mission. We're going to create the most bizarre meals, as we are going to use only What We Already Have. I'm having a vision...I'm thinking oatmeal with a side of beets. For Lunch. Maybe.

6. Oh, and also, we're both determined to get healthier, so we're making changes simultaneously to help motivate each other. It's pretty great. Today I ate FIVE servings of fruits and vegetables. Ooops, that reminds me - I forgot to take me vitamin.

Right. Bedtime.

Laura has NEVER been a resident of Allendale, MI.


Brown said...

Finally! I won't kill you for this. The Anchorman situation however...

Miss Laura said...

You are allowed to kill me for Anchorman. Laura's been bad.

BoxcatAV said...

Fruits and veggies are great! Try my new fav, spaghetti squash. It's cheap at the farmer's market.

the dicocco gang said...

well. obviously you are able to look at the brighter side of all this change if you begin with a david bowie song in your heart.
david bowie makes everything brighter.