Thursday, November 09, 2006
Busy as bees are we!
1. Going to seminars, conferences, and other professional development-type events.
2. Madly finishing internship hours (5 weeks left!)
3. Have taken on a contract job with the Kent ISD to recruit students at my secondary school placement for an afterschool tutoring/credit recovery program. Fortunately, some of these hours overlap with internship hours (but with money!)
4. Applying for jobs (two in last two days, perhaps another tomorrow)
5. Trying to remember to do laundry (failing miserably, aside from non-essential laundry: case in point - washing and ironing of duvet cover as opposed to crucial underwear washing)
6. Ruminating about progress on wedding thank yous - it's not that we're not grateful, we REALLY are! It's just so hard when EVERYTHING is a priority...but we will send them, and they will be overflowing with love and gratitude for the ways everyone gave of themselves for us.
7. Operation TightBudget - need I say more?
8. Trying to fit social things into the calendar, such as Beneath The Wreath with Anne and Marnee last month
9. We traveled most weekends in October and it was exhausting.
1. Applying for law school with plans to start in January
2. Prepping for second taking of LSAT on December 2nd - his first score wasn't bad, but we're shooting for more scholarship money.
3. Finishing three incompletes from master's degree - two in the form of retaking the classes, one in the form of finishing that last paper...
4. Working at Carrabba's 3-4 nights per week (although he is taking a 3-week hiatus for LSAT prep)
5. Operation TightBudget - hey, let's not pretend it's only affecting one of us!
6. Organizing a cover band and having fairly regular reunions with former band MilitantPoet.
7. Also lots of traveling weekends in October
8. Mars Hill worship team commitments
We're running a race here, people, and in many ways we're near the end...and yet also near the beginning of another! We would love some extra love and prayers! That I can manage to wear clean clothes to work...that Josh have focused time for LSAT prep...that he scores better on this test...that I figure out all the irritating and confusing details surrounding the licensures I'm seeking...that I find a JOB...that we both get good sleep and nutrition...and maybe even some time for exercise. Also, if you could throw in an extra bonus prayer, we are really hoping to not have to deal with any car troubles until I am working again!
So if you wondered where I have been, or have been wondering how we're doing...there you go! Love and miss you all - we promise to emerge into the world again sometime soon!
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Instead, however, I would like to make one solitary statement:
John Kerry, your statements today have done nothing but remind me once again why I did NOT vote for you. Apologize to the troops, for they are the people you insulted. (Let it be known that I would love to throw around some choice words here, but we're running a family-friendly show.)
The End. Enjoy the rest of your evening.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
At Diane's request...
Yesterday was my birthday. Yes, indeed, I am 27...officially in my Upper Twenties. (Or, as Sera Kitty would say, Halfway To Fifty Four.) Lovely gifts, lovely cake, lovely burritos, lovely in-laws to celebrate with. I got two (2) pairs of Halloween socks. Josh and I are going to Traverse City this weekend to a) celebrate birthday; and b) commemorate engagement which happened this time last year. We'll go to my old church on Sunday and hopefully I can introduce him to my kindergarten teacher. Mrs. Good will just love him, I am sure!
Today I taught. Yes, that's right, got up in front of kids and fed their minds. Who'da thunk? I actually enjoyed it! (And so did they!) The teachers were very complimentary and said I did a great job - a much-needed professional ego boost. We made collages about ourselves and shared them with the class in the hopes that these kids will learn to appreciate each other's differences and quit throwing racial slurs at each other. This poor school needs so much love and understanding. It's amazing how nasty trailer park culture can be and how it affects these poor kids. There's one girl I see who has turbulent friendships with several of the other kids. Why? Because her mother gets in fights with THEIR parents, they all call the cops on each other, etc. Poor things. I wish they could understand how much better it could be.
I've decided that I need to lay off the news for awhile. The world is so unbelievably depressing to me right now. Madonna infuriates me with her adoption. (Why couldn't she financially sponsor the family so this boy could return to his father? Why leave him alone with her staff his FIRST NIGHT at her home?) I am still grieving the recent school shootings (especially the Amish one). I am utterly and thoroughly convinced that video games are one of the main causes of the recent surge of violence in adolescents (don't ever buy them for your kids). Josh suggested we join the Amish. I pointed out that neither of us would adjust well, what with our overeducated worldviews and propensity to drop four-letter words. He agreed. But it WOULD be nice. These people know what they're doing. They get it. There's something to be said for a simpler way of life. A communal way of life. A life of quiet joys. A life of utter dependence on God and your community. A life free of garbage, clutter, and overstimulation.
In short - no news. No Madonna. No staying up too late playing with my gadgets. More time sharing time with others. For awhile.
In other, unrelated news, I got two new pairs of jeans tonight. They fit me. They were only $30 apiece. (I wish I were in Britain so that I could say they cost me 30 quid.) I bought them with a gift card I got for my birthday. My jeans situation was, until today, quite hopeless...the one pair I had that fit JUST TODAY got a hole in a very unflattering region. So for all my talk of living a simpler, less commercialized life, thank you, God, for your divine hand of good fit and price during my JC Penney experience this evening.
I have a final request...Josh should be getting his LSAT score sometime in the next four days. We are not worried about him getting into law school...what hangs in the balance is how much scholarship money he'll get. His practice test scores very consistently put him in the range for a 75% scholarship, and one score was very close to what he would need for a 100% scholarship. I'm asking you all to pray for blessings on this score...that it will serve Josh well and help meet our financial needs. That would be fantastic, friends. Thank you. trip to Ferris with the high schoolers! YESSSSSS! Free lunch! School bus ride! Maybe I can get them all to sing 'The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air' with me...
Monday, September 18, 2006
This post may well cost me a job someday...oh well.
I hope you think it's funny. It is. Melissa, you are my Soul Mate of Funny. PiPi loves her Sugar.

Saturday, September 09, 2006
A mixed bag
If you don't exercise, think about it. It's amazing how it really makes you crave what it is that your body ACTUALLY wants and needs.
Now, though...maybe it's the 4.75 hours of sleep. Probably. But right now I'm just feeling, well, a bit hostile and bitter. Not for any good reason, either. I won't even go into the ridiculous thoughts that have been swirling through my head, because they deserve no credence. They're lies.
Sorry. Hope that was somewhat lucid and not too cryptic. I've concluded that it's bedtime, and some NyQuil just might be in order :)
Saturday, September 02, 2006
I should be doing laundry.
Ask me again in 46 days, when I will be:

B is for beer of choice:
Corona. With a lime. With fun people. Otherwise, beer is pointless.

C is for career:
School Counseling. Just getting into my internship right now. Let's hope I find a job come December!
D is for:
Donna Summer.

E is for essential item you use everyday:
Underwear. Yup, you heard me.

F is for favorite TV show at the moment:
Kyle XY. It's a rare gem on the ABC Family lineup.

G is for favorite game:
Apples to's time for another smackdown. I found one of Spencer's A 2 A Junior cards in my car yesterday. Who wants to play?

I is for instruments you play:
iTunes? Does that count? :)

K is for whose butt you'd like to kick:
Business owners who incorrectly use apostrophes on their business signs. HELLO??? Your sign is a major business investment, and do you really want it to communicate that you can't pass 8th grade English? Yeah, that's right, Taco's Ortega and Hunan Garden's, I'm talking to you.

L is for last place you ate:
My big green monster chair. You mean restaurant? Well, we got Lebanese takeout from Shawarma King in Kzoo yesterday and it was FABULOUS. We had Shish Tawook, which is pictured here:

N is for your full name:
Laura Percival Mikrut. Not really.
O is for overnight hospital stays:
Never! Muahahahaha. I've never even been admitted.
P is for people you were with today:
My new hairstylist, Maecey (yes, Anne, that's really how she spelled it!) and of course Joshu.

Q is for quote:
"Damn! We're in a tight spot!" (Ten points to whoever comments first with the movie that quote is from.)
R is for Biggest Regret:
It's really stupid and petty and not worth mentioning (And no, it's not Josh!)

S is for status:
I am seated, thank you for asking.

T is for time you woke up today:
7:15-ish? Way too early for a childless person on a Saturday, but I had an 8:30 haircut.

U Is for where did U go?
No, I believe that U is actually for U-Haul, and I won't be needing one this summer, thanks for asking.

V is for vegetable that you love:
Broccoli, it's the only one I'll eat these days.

W is for worst habit:
Where do you want me to start? I think my procrastination covers most of them.

X is for x-rays you've had:
My toofers, of course, and a back x-ray at the Chiropractor, and I had a chest x-ray and EEG when I was 16 because I was having weird chest pains. And, of course, the occasional one at the airport:

Y is for yummy food you ate today:
Nothing particularly yummy so far. The Kashi Good Friends with Light Silk soymilk was pretty good, I guess.

Z is for zodiac sign:
Mine, or just any one in general? Can't we think of something more creative here? Like Zoo animal? Or your opinion of U2's Zooropa album? (Verdict: very good.)

Thursday, August 24, 2006
I'm boycotting society.
I've had enough.
This has something to do with my envy of Kate and her pregnant self (track with me here a second). Not because I wish to be pregnant. Not at the moment, anyway. I envy her because IF people are bold enough to ask her if she is pregnant (which is always a no-no, by the way - ARE YOU LISTENING?), she can happily answer "Yes, isn't life a miracle?" and not have to say, "No, I'm not, but apparently I look like I am." Creates awkwardness and all kinds of insecurity. Satan. It's Satan. When you have the urge to ask a woman if she is pregnant, be aware that you will be acting on behalf of Lucifer himself.
It's true.
I guess this means that I will also continue my boycott of Satan.
SERIOUSLY PEOPLE!!!! I do not look it! I certainly do not look anywhere near close enough to warrant being asked this TWO TIMES in the last six months.
Here's how today's conversation went:
Innocent Laura: I need to go to Babies R Us to get a shower gift.
Unwitting Agent of Satan: Are you expecting?
IL: [Thinks: That's odd.] Oh, no!
UAoS: Oh, well I asked because you have a little bit of a tummy.
She shoulda left it alone. I would have just assumed that she didn't hear the part about needing to buy a shower gift. BUT NOOOOO...and unlike the last culprit, I can't excuse her based on her being from another continent and thus perhaps ignorant of such cultural taboos. Whatever.
Point is, I'm not pregnant. But Erin is, and I will be going to her shower this evening.
Then I'll be spending a lot of time at the Y and eating iceberg lettuce and water popsicles a la DJ Tanner.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Friday, August 11, 2006
Of course I'll sit with the kids.
Friday, August 04, 2006

Whatta peanut! She's adorable! We all love her!
I feel a bit bad that I have been so remiss in posting this in a timely manner...she's eight days old already. But pish posh. Cuteness is cuteness, no matter how late.
And, because I couldn't's a photo of Lainey being held by Preston, the youngest of her three big brothers, who just turned two on Sunday:

Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Further evidence that my husband is a nerd...

If he's bugged you about it, I'm sorry. But I will say that thus far, everyone who has played it with him likes it and wants to play again. Last night we trekked up to Rockford to the home of Josh's bro Adam and his fine family expressly for this purpose. Honorary family member Nathan Hinkley and his new wife Marci came too. Sarah, Marci, and I had bonding time while Adam, Josh, and Nate played the game (with one of the LOTR films playing on the giant computer monitor nearby, no less). Spencer wanted to join in too, and I'm glad they let him in on it...he loves playing games with the grown-ups. He was up way past his bedtime.
As were we all. Us ladies preferred to go get ice cream and watch Memoirs of a Geisha. Gorgeous film.
During our dinner of steak, merlot, and margaritas, Adam and Sarah asked Josh and I to be the godparents of the baby girl who will be joining us in just two weeks. Hurrah! After immediately accepting, Josh said, "I was wondering how many kids you'd have before it was my turn!" Now there's even more reason to be excited! Bring on the baby!
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Laura's Experiments with Hypertext!
I have a job for a bit. I answer phones and take service orders so that friendly shopkeepers statewide can get help if their deli salad bars and beer caves are running a bit warmer than normal/experiencing condensation/need new door gaskets. I enter purchase order information into the computer and get to input words like "capacitator," which makes me want to don an Einstein-like wig and exclaim, "Great Scot!"

I must admit, the office decor reminds me of things like soprano saxophones, a young Macaulay Culkin, and the color mauve. When I walk into the building, it's like magically appearing in 1991 (am I sensing a theme here?) Read: archaic business equipment whose once-putty-colored plastic exteriors have yellowed considerably. I heard dot-matrix printing on more than one occasion today. The main computer program *technically* operates on Windows, but what's within that window looks and acts suspiciously like DOS...
In other news, I started my class. I could go look at my syllabus to find the exact title, but it goes something like this: "Literacy Strategies for the Primary Grades." Yup. I'm being taught how to teach kids to read. Which isn't bad in and of itself, except that I am the ONLY non-teacher in the classroom, most of the other students are getting their masters in READING and LITERACY, my prof is herself a fourth-grade teacher, and everyone shows off how cutely they can write their names with Crayola markers. (Okay, I admit, the last part is kinda fun.) These people speak a lingo I have no knowledge of. They talk about how they've used icky-sounding things such as "Anticipation Grids" in their classrooms. I have to write haikus about the moon for homework. (EVERY DAY.) It's not all bad, of course, but I'm utterly lost half the time. And the well-rested, tan, "I have free time for three months" people on either side of me are starting to lose patience with me and my questions after only the second day.
I don't know how to NOT participate in a class. It's so frustrating.
Good things have come of it, though. I got to read an AMAZING children's book called Black and White by David Macaulay. If you have kids, or know kids, and you would like them to think outside of the box (or if they already do)...give this to them. Let them flip back and forth through the pages. It's an amazing way to tell a story.
I'm also reminded of books that I loved as a wee bitty one: The Jolly Postman...The Little House...My Little Golden Book About God...A Pocket For Corduroy...and, finally, my first chapter book, The Magic Coin.
So, kids, it's off to look at the moon. Later tonight, Josh will come home from some sort of battle of the bands in some hick town near the state line.
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Some snacks, goodies, and treats for ya.
1. My good friend Melissa has a "Snacks, Goodies, and Treats Treats Treats" dance. I would try to describe it but nothing I can say would do it justice. When I see her next week I'll try to get her to do it on camera, then I'll post it on YouTube.
2. I'd like to apologize to Chris Dornan for censoring his comment. I am sorry. I hope that this does not threaten this beautiful friendship we call Lauristopher. Hugs not drugs, my friend.
3. I spent my day applying at two different temp agencies today. I was informed that I have really good clerical skills, one of which is my typing speed - 79 wpm. I owe all the credit to AOL Instant Messenger. My high school internet addiction appears to have paid off. (I am sorry to bring up a tender know who you are.)
4. Due to #3, I have renewed hope that someone might perhaps want to trust me with a job.
5. I am beginning to wonder if telling them they could contact my most recent supervisor was a good idea, as I still do not trust him.
6. That's because I am STILL waiting for my last paycheck. And no one will call me back.
7. Josh perfected Carrabba's Picchi Pacchu recipe this weekend. (Pasta in a tomato-basil sauce topped with Italian-seasoned chicken). It was delicious and fantastic (and made with gluten-free rice pasta, for those of you whose gates swing that way)...we officially invite you over to eat some sometime. Please. Take us up on this offer. We love to have people over. We have a delightful little balcony to chat upon. Another menu option: Mediterranean kabobs with falafel and hummus. It's to die for. Just ask Tim and Lindsey. Except don't ask Lindsey, because I don't think it was her cup o' tea.
8. We officially do not recommend teaching two-year-old boys how one gets Mardi Gras beads. Trust us. Anything you tell them, THEY REPEAT. (We would just like to mention that we were innocent bystanders and showed the proper amount of disapproval at the whole affair.) Good thing little Presto was too distracted by his incoming molar. Honestly, why would you want to corrupt this beautiful little guy? (I have a feeling that Sarah Belcher can guess exactly who the culprit here is! Call it a Godmother's intuition!)
9. This Saturday is the Annual Falicki 4th of July Hoopla on Bostwick Lake. Bring a dish to pass. Not you. Us. Still plotting what that will be. I'm envisioning a casserole of epic proportions. Because nothing says 4th of July like a casserole. I'm looking forward to alternating proclamations of "LAAAARRRRRR!" and "Thank you so much for marrying my friend Josh." I love the boys of militantPoet.
10. Kate has sent her Blogger curse to me...I can't post more than one picture. Ack. Too bad...I had a great pancake picture to post for you, Tracy.
That's all for today, kids...
Thursday, June 15, 2006
101 things you've always wanted to know about me
1. My middle name is Rose
2. It was my grandma's maiden name, my aunt's middle name, and now my little cousin's middle name.
3. Right now our plan is for all our daughters to have Rose as their middle name.
4. And all the boys get James.
5. I was there when Shannon Uthoff lost her mint chocolate chip virginity.
6. I have gained about 25 lbs since high school.
7. And I haven't even had a baby yet!
8. I was a swimmer in high school.
9. And middle school.
10. I couldn't swim butterfly because of a shoulder injury.
11. I was all about the backstroke.
12. My coach Sean tried to make me a distance swimmer, because that's what he did with all the swimmers who didn't have natural talent.
13. My senior year we figured out that I was actually a pretty decent sprinter.
14. Josh doesn't know much about my swimming years.
15. Like how I once puked in a trash can after practice because practice kicked my ass.
16. And how my nickname was Chia Pet because I grew leg hair like no other.
17. Actually, I think he knows about that.
18. You do know that swimmers can't shave their legs all season, right?
19. Then they shave for the final meet.
20. And swim super fast and slippery-like.
21. It's long been debated whether the cause is physical or psychological.
22. We used to all shave our arms and legs down together in the locker room.
23. It wasn't unusual for me to go through at least 10 razors.
24. Enough about that.
25. I've been through physical therapy at least four times.
26. I have to wear a bite guard at night because I grind my teeth so bad.
27. I only just last year saw Toy Story.
28. I am the palest white person I've ever met.
29. But I've still got soul.
30. That's why Josh calls me the White Chocolate Princess.
31. Sometimes I watch cheesy movies on the religious channel on TV.
32. I only had my driver's permit for two months before I got my license.
33. I wish I wouldn't get so sucked into the internet.
34. I want to make spectacular, high-end beaded jewelry and sell it on
35. I struggle with depression sometimes.
36. I have a hangnail on my pinky and it hurts.
37. My car's name is Patsy, after King Arthur's coconut-banging attendant on "Monty Python and the Holy Grail."
38. My cell phone is navy blue and I love it.
39. I want a new car, and I want it to be a maroon Honda Civic hybrid four-door with a sunroof, gray interior, and a CD player. When I have kids, I want a minivan with stow and go seating.
40. I've messed with Texas.
41. And Texas liked it.
42. I've been to Needles, CA.
43. I wouldn't recommend it.
44. The high altitude at the Grand Canyon makes it hard for me to breathe.
45. I'm getting a new couch on August 2.
46. I wish I had some bananas right now.
47. My maiden name, Russell, is a Scottish nickname for redhead.
48. My brother, two uncles, aunt, and grandma are all redheads.
49. I worked at Wendy's in high school.
50. And yes, I still eat the food.
51. I used to make elephant ears by deep-frying the pita bread and sprinkling cinnamon and sugar on it.
52. Someone brought in a cinnamon and sugar shaker with a little cowboy on the front just for this purpose.
53. My favorite job there was to work the drive-through cash register.
54. I really, really like tater tots.
55. I want to get a chihuahua and name him Jaques.
56. I have a really sensitive metabolism.
57. I secretly look forward to when Josh watches the West Wing, because I'm getting hooked on it too.
58. I didn't have a name until I was two days old.
59. I could have been a Stephanie or an Emily.
60. I agree with Kym that Bravo Italian Cucina makes the Olive Garden look like Fazoli's.
61. I was in at least three different Cherry Festival parades as a child.
62. I took ballet lessons when I was a kid.
63. I still remember how to do all the moves...pirouette, arabesque, grand jete, rond de jobme (sp?) and enjoy practicing them in my own house.
64. I wish I knew how to tap dance.
65. I once had Christmas dinner with someone of great notoriety.
66. Some call him Dr. Death.
67. The first time I met him I was eleven and couldn't figure out why everyone was making such a fuss over him.
68. So I asked my cousin Kerry who he was.
69. She said, "Go ask Grandma who Dr. Death is."
70. So I did.
71. I promptly got a verbal lashing.
72. Yes, I'm talking about Jack Kevorkian.
73. Didn't see him again until I was 17 and he came over to my grandma's for Christmas Dinner.
74. Josh just called and is going to bring me crunchy tacos from Taco Bell.
75. I heart Josh.
76. I was a ridiculous perfectionist as a child.
77. I love vintage ads in poster form.
78. I am now the proud owner of a tent.
79. We're going camping in Grand Haven in August.
80. My friend Melissa and I talked about dressing up as Karen and Rosario for Halloween. I still want to do that. But I still insist upon being Karen. Melissa would look killer in a Members Only jacket.
81. I enjoy watching PBS.
82. I also enjoy watching the Discovery Channel.
83. Also the History Channel.
84. But TLC is my favorite.
85. Only 6 minutes until my Tots are done cooking.
86. I LOVE Napoleon Dynamite. Still. I don't care if it's passe.
87. I also love quirky t-shirts.
88. Josh and I are saving our spare change for a trip to Disney World next spring.
89. The World Showcase at Epcot is my favorite.
90. Epcot was originally an acronym for "Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow"
91. I have two friends who work at Disney.
92. I can't wait to have kids.
93. Modernistic commercials are so cheesy...I *almost* like them.
94. I am a bargain-hunter.
95. I also know when to splurge a little on the important stuff. Like our new couch.
96. I just discovered that I like gin and tonics.
97. We're making dinner for Nick and Kristie tonight.
98. I hope that Nick makes me another G&T.
99. I love IKEA.
100. I have seen Radiohead in concert twice - as opening act for Alanis Morissette and REM.
101. My Tots are delicious :)
Monday, June 12, 2006
Because, friends, I see that Teresa Strasser will be hosting. She used to be the host of TLC's "While You Were Out." They ousted her for this cheesy young guy who looks like he should be on Blue's Clues. I was pissed. And she's back! I love this girl! (Girl Crush Alert!)
Thank you all for indulging me.
...aaaaand she's back!

I didn't realize that I haven't posted since before the wedding. Holy Batman. I'm sorry. Didja miss me? I am, indeed, going to resurrect this blog to chronicle the happenings in my life, including newlywed-dom and unemployment.
Yeah, you heard me. Laura no tengo un job. But it's a good thing. It's a very good thing. If anyone knows of a nice no-brain job I could have for the next two months, would you let me know?
Key events in the Mikrut family over the past 3.5 months (in no particular order):
1. Laura visited foreign countries, none of which were Canada. Monumental.
2. We found out that Josh's SIL Sarah is having a baby girl in July! WAY monumental. Sarah will finally have someone to help her fight all those boys she has in her house :)
3. After 6 months of tears and awfulness, Laura left her job. Laura is now bored and broke, but it's a vast improvement.
4. Josh officially decided to go to law school, starting at Cooley in January '07. He bought LSAT prep books and a stopwatch and is one determined boy!
5. Laura lined up school counseling internships for the fall at Explorer Elementary in Kentwood and Godfrey-Lee Middle/High School in Wyoming. Commencement is 12/16/06. Let us know if you want dibs on a ticket :)
6. Josh went to bed BEFORE Laura tonight. Say it with me, kids...MONUMENTAL! :)
We bought a tent and are going camping at Grand Haven in August. That place is crazy booked up. Dunno how we got the two-day spot that we did. We're pretty geeked to fire up the air mattress (thanks Ryan and Denise!) and get back to...nature? Sounds funny when said campground is visible from the road and consists mainly of concrete and sand. In the words of Will Ferrell quoting Robert Goulet..."That's why I come up here. NAAAAATURE! Goulet."
I hope to soon learn fun tricks so that I can use HTML and post links. I'm working on it. My goal is to have a blog rivaling Preggy Kate's. (I'd link you to her blog but I'm helpless. Kate, since we're both housewives these days, how about you show me how to do it?)
Peace out, girl scout.
Saturday, February 04, 2006
One of the upsides to getting married? Being able to walk into your kitchen, clean and well-equipped with nice stuff. The feeling that you don't HAVE to have the microwave that you got for $5 at a garage sale if you don't want to. Being able to throw away the 50-cent spatulas you got at IKEA because they melted. Having a 10-button digital timer that you can JUST PUNCH THE TIME INTO instead of scrolling through a possible 90 minutes of cooking to get the time you need. Right now I'm making some brownies. I got to use a sweet mixing bowl, the nicest cake pan I've ever used before, and as I open my cupboards for things I am greeted by all sorts of things that are nicely coordinated - pasta bowls. Measuring cups. An oven mitt.
I just love it. This is a reflection of my own creative sensibilities, and I am so happy with the results. Maybe this is coming off as materialistic - I hope not. It's just so nice to MAKE a home according to your own preferences (and not the limitations of the selection at the dollar store or IKEA...though don't get me wrong, I love them both!), and to have a bunch of people rallying around you wanting to help you with that. To help you make your own comfortable little corner of the world. Now I want to go make some cheesecakes just so that I can use my springform pans. Mmmm, delicious. If you want some dessert, you might have luck just stopping over here, because Laura's inspired!
Now, if only I could figure out where my trifle bowl was...
Thursday, February 02, 2006
An introduction
Nerd Alert!

Today, after meeting with Pastor Joe (anyone remember the "Ranger Joe" song from Full House? I used to sing this song in my head when I was a young 'un:
Pastor Joe
Pastor Joe
He's the greatest guy I know
Pastor Joe
...but anyway, after meeting with Pastor Joe, Josh and I were in the drive thru at Taco Bell getting ourselves a snack (for where else would one GO for a snack?) and he was begging, BEGGING me to let him spend twenty two dollars on this book pictured at left. Because he is a Star Wars geek. (But let's face it, I am too.) Prior to this incident, he had spent hours over the course of the past two days reading this book in the Barnes and Noble cafe and had only 75 pages left to read. The boy was desperate. Foaming at the mouth a little, even. Persistence paid off. I let him get the book when we stopped at the mall to drop off my rings so that they can be soldered together (*sniff*).
Fast forward to an hour later. This boy happily retreated to his own personal porcelain throne to begin the glorious conclusion of the book. He eventually came back out to our new monster-sized armchair (think Sulley, only not bubblegum blue) to finish. He made a comment about it being a really pivotal, suspenseful part of the book.
Me: So does that mean that you don't want me talking to you right now?
Josh: Yes.
Me: Really?
Josh: Yes.
Me: Are you sure?
Josh: Yes.
Me: Can I show you some flowers?
Josh recognized the humor in this despite the fact that I was driving him nuts. On purpose. What a great marriage we're going to have.
Josh's quote of the week: "Come on, Alpine Climber!" (This was said to me when I was trying to get out of the car at church on Sunday. He had parked with the passenger side up against a grassy incline.)