Saturday, September 09, 2006

A mixed bag

Up and down this evening. I left school this afternoon with the intention of going home, as my less-than-five-hours-of-sleep last night had left me dragging all day and totally unmotivated to go to the Y (as previously planned). I am happy to report that somewhere on Burton between Clyde Park and the 131 South ramp, I decided I was going. And go I did. I lifted and worked my abs. I showed the elliptical trainer who was boss. I watched "What Not to Wear." All those endorphins must've brought on some euphoria, because I belted out some Mars Hill tunes from the new CD whilst in the car (not that that is so unusual, really) and went to Meijer. Now, here I am, all exercised and healthful, and I go to town on the produce section. I immediately noticed that the strawberries were on sale and was, literally, OVERJOYED to buy them. I bought cucumbers. Acorn squash. Spaghetti squash. Whole grain english muffins. An inordinate supply of little boxes of raisins. Then I left (after being very genuinely friendly and cheery with the U-Scan attendant - when have I ever done that?), daydreaming about the dinner of tilapia, squash, and spring mix I was going to make myself. Saying to myself, "Ugh, why would I want something rich and sweet and chocolatey?"

If you don't exercise, think about it. It's amazing how it really makes you crave what it is that your body ACTUALLY wants and needs.

Now, though...maybe it's the 4.75 hours of sleep. Probably. But right now I'm just feeling, well, a bit hostile and bitter. Not for any good reason, either. I won't even go into the ridiculous thoughts that have been swirling through my head, because they deserve no credence. They're lies.

Sorry. Hope that was somewhat lucid and not too cryptic. I've concluded that it's bedtime, and some NyQuil just might be in order :)

1 comment:

BoxcatAV said...

High five for heading to the gym despite not wanting to! Those are the days that make all the difference. I did that today myself. I didn't really want to go but made myself go after children's ministry training. I told myself I would lift. Go us!