I didn't realize that I haven't posted since before the wedding. Holy Batman. I'm sorry. Didja miss me? I am, indeed, going to resurrect this blog to chronicle the happenings in my life, including newlywed-dom and unemployment.
Yeah, you heard me. Laura no tengo un job. But it's a good thing. It's a very good thing. If anyone knows of a nice no-brain job I could have for the next two months, would you let me know?
Key events in the Mikrut family over the past 3.5 months (in no particular order):
1. Laura visited foreign countries, none of which were Canada. Monumental.
2. We found out that Josh's SIL Sarah is having a baby girl in July! WAY monumental. Sarah will finally have someone to help her fight all those boys she has in her house :)
3. After 6 months of tears and awfulness, Laura left her job. Laura is now bored and broke, but it's a vast improvement.
4. Josh officially decided to go to law school, starting at Cooley in January '07. He bought LSAT prep books and a stopwatch and is one determined boy!
5. Laura lined up school counseling internships for the fall at Explorer Elementary in Kentwood and Godfrey-Lee Middle/High School in Wyoming. Commencement is 12/16/06. Let us know if you want dibs on a ticket :)
6. Josh went to bed BEFORE Laura tonight. Say it with me, kids...MONUMENTAL! :)
We bought a tent and are going camping at Grand Haven in August. That place is crazy booked up. Dunno how we got the two-day spot that we did. We're pretty geeked to fire up the air mattress (thanks Ryan and Denise!) and get back to...nature? Sounds funny when said campground is visible from the road and consists mainly of concrete and sand. In the words of Will Ferrell quoting Robert Goulet..."That's why I come up here. NAAAAATURE! Goulet."
I hope to soon learn fun tricks so that I can use HTML and post links. I'm working on it. My goal is to have a blog rivaling Preggy Kate's. (I'd link you to her blog but I'm helpless. Kate, since we're both housewives these days, how about you show me how to do it?)
Peace out, girl scout.
I can certainly help you...but only if we (being the housewives that we are) do it with tennis lessons before and a glass of gin ice tea after.
Well, you can do the gin ice tea. I guess I get fortified milk...but you now what I'm saying.
I like gin. And tennis. Not so much iced tea, but the gin might help with that.
Seriously! When?
Do you want to credit your photographer extraordinatire?! And who took that lovely picture posted here?
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