Thursday, August 17, 2006

Reason #42 why being a newlywed boosts your confidence

Laura: Why's the fridge open?
Josh: I opened it to get a Canada Dry, but then I saw your butt.


mr. chris said...

in the refridgerator ???

Miss Laura said...

No, I think it was over by the stove...

diane said...

It was a pleasure to meet you too, Laura!

My personal favorite post of yours is the 101 things...

I may steal that idea one of these days.

diane said...

Hey...did you get an email from Dan and Carrie Elzinga this week? Carrie's been trying to invite you and Josh to a Pizza Party on Sunday afternoon! (At 3 p.m. at their house...)

Anonymous said...

Laura & Josh, come to a pizza party on Sunday, hosted by Diane (above) and Carrie! 1057 Fuller Ave SE. 3pm. I tried emailing you, but was not successful :(

the dicocco gang said...

THis is even funnier to me concidering the crazy anal conversation we had the other day... the one where you can't even have the light on in the kitchen without getting a reaction... and he was so distracted by your beauty... he left the refrigerator door standing wide open!