Friday, August 04, 2006


...Elaina Marie Mikrut!

[But please, call her Lainey.]

Whatta peanut! She's adorable! We all love her!

I feel a bit bad that I have been so remiss in posting this in a timely manner...she's eight days old already. But pish posh. Cuteness is cuteness, no matter how late.

And, because I couldn't's a photo of Lainey being held by Preston, the youngest of her three big brothers, who just turned two on Sunday:

Oh, the cute. I just can't handle all these fine-lookin' children.


KatieKate said...

cuteness...pure cuteness

I want one of those.

Woman...I need your address (the real kind).

Miss Laura said...

Good thing...I heard you're gettin' one...ooops...was that supposed to be a surprise?

I'll leave the addy on your blog.

Anonymous said...

Preston looks like "oh, I'm so important to be holding her. I don't want to move a muscle because I might hurt her". Cuties!

BoxcatAV said...

Preston looks like he's thinking "will I break her". Cuties!


Miss Laura said...

I believe what he was actually saying was something like this:

Preston: "I can hold her?"
Sarah/Adam/Laura: "Yes"
Preston: "Oh"
Sarah/Adam/Laura: "You're doing such a good job!"
Preston: "You got Lainey out?"
Sarah: "Yeah, buddy!"
Preston: "Oh"