Friday, January 25, 2008

I Googled myself...

...would you believe there's several more of me out there? I couldn't believe it.

Well, kids, I've decided to follow Anne's lead and remove all occurrences of my last name from the ol' blog...consequently, this has changed my URL, so I'm sure none of you are even reading this. I'll e-mail ya. Anyway, I'm doing this because it came to my attention that if I were to apply for a new job (IF...not that I would ever do such a thing), someone out there might think to google me, and quite frankly I probably don't censor myself enough on the ol' interweb. Thus, I must go into hiding. I know our last name is our trademark, and it's fun to say and type, but for the sake of being a responsible grown up (blech), I'm going to have to ask you to not use it on this blog. Or, if you must, replace the i with an asterisk or something, as if it were a dirty word (which it sometimes is...let's use it as a verb, no? WITH ASTERISK!)

Sorry, all...


Brown said...

Laura, f'ing, *************

I put extra stars to be extra careful. Wink wink.

diane said...

girl. i'll follow you wherever you go. okay?

mr. chris said...

nice choice. and i understand the reasoning.
i applaud you and the decision you have made to stay off of the radar
see ya in cyberspace Laura.
Laura Elizabeth Johnson of 321 sycamore st.
st. elsewhere, minnesota 56419

boxcatav said...

Good idea! Employers are googling. It's a real fact. Plus co-workers! Try it!

rudi said...

Hate to burst your bubble Laura ******, but Google also caches websites, sooo... if you ever had your last name displayed here, there, or anywhere on the Interweb, odds are old man Google grabbed it and put it in his memory bank. Next time you Google yourself (hee hee), look closely at the results and you might see 'cached' somewhere in there.

You can try, but you can't hide from the Internet.

the dicocco gang said...

it's going to get raw like sushi...
now THAT is a title I appreciate greatly.

Anonymous said...

Dude. I wondered where you went!
You are so responsible.

And Rudi's comment scares me.
And we're going to the movies.

Miss Laura said...

Kate, we DID go to the movies, and that mess got raw like sushi.

Rudi, I need more of your wise counsel on this cacheing business. I've heard this, and I'm not too worried about anything I've put out there (haven't bashed my employers on my blog or anything like that), but all the Google results I get are for the blog at the old URL. I clicked on those links and it said the links are not valid. Is that enough?

rudi said...

Nope, that is not good enough. For example, click here

Miss Laura said...

Is there no hope then? Do I just do better from this point forward?