Today is my BFF Kym's 28th birthday. Anne beat me to the birthday list, but you can never have too many fun facts about my one-time twin. However, in lieu of the usual facts, I'm going to indulge in some memories:
10. In 9th grade history class, Kym and I convinced Anne that Kym had a cool older sister named Hunter. We kept up this charade for weeks.
9. Kym and I (and our dads) went to tour GVSU's campus together in 12th grade. She'd had some sort of foot issue, and my knee was acting up, so we were both on crutches...we decided to make the most of it by wearing matching outfits. We got a lot of attention from everyone else in the tour group.
8. It has only been in the past two years or so that people have run into me and not said, "So where's Kym?"
7. Kym changes teeth like some people change cell phones. (But that's a sensitive issue, so let's not discuss it any further.)
6. Kym and I encountered each other often in middle school (7th grade Stage Band, 8th grade Honors Algebra) before we finally got acquainted in the aforementioned history class. Thank you, Mr. Spencer, for your marvelous livelong friendship fostering skills. And for teaching us how to make birchbark canoes and rifles.
5. Kym and I decided to be roommates in college despite everyone's warnings that you should NOT! room with your best friend from high school. Boy, did we prove them wrong. We lived together all four years...though our senior year, we decided to "branch out" and not live in the same bedroom...though who were we kidding, our two-bedroom apartment was only so big!
4. Kym and I share a larger than life affinity for Sweetwater's Donuts (one of Kym's favorites is the Sugar Raised), Hunan Gardens Chinese Restaurant, Taco Bell, Target, and the films Evita and Anastasia.
3. Kym eventually plans to have her first name legally changed from Kimberly to Kymberli.
2. I have a notebook FILLED with "notes" from the religion class we took together junior year of college - she and I sat in the back row and played hangman for two hours every Tuesday and Thursday. Many of our hangman messages were related to donuts (i.e. "DONUT FEVER!"), as we always stopped at Sweetwater's on our way home from class.
1. We've both grown and changed over the years, and we now live far apart, but nothing can replace all those years of fantastic memories :) HELLO KITTY! I honestly don't have anywhere near as many inside jokes with anyone as I do with this fine chica. I love you, girl...Happy 28th!
my bday is in 3.5 months. i can't wait to see the top 10 list you'll create! :)
You absolutely have some GREAT memories! These are great. I SOOOOO don't remember the older sister named Hunter. I do however remember George Calvert.
PS - you did prove everyone wrong on the roommate thing. I think you are the only people who didn't fit the "it will never work" sterotype.
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