Monday, March 17, 2008

I think I'm related to the president(s).

Now, way back when, my Grandpa Chipman all but figured out that we had an ancestor on the Mayflower. I got a little off track at work today and found this posting on a surname website. I figured out that if all this is, in fact, true, that John Howland is the ancestor in question. Click his name and go down to "Notable Descendants."

I can't get my head around this today. I called my mom and she said the only piece of info we're missing has to do with my great-great-great grandparents and apparently can be found at the Mecosta County courthouse. We're going to take a day off work sometime and go up there. I thought the Mayflower thing was a big enough deal, but all those presidents? And Robert E. Lee? And Alec Baldwin???? Yowza.

1 comment:

diane said...


I'm the descendent of poor Dutch Immigrants!