Monday, September 18, 2006

This post may well cost me a job someday...oh well.

Okay, so I really wanted to post the entirety of this conversation here, as it is most hysterical...but given that it was full of expletives and we're running a family-friendly show here, I shall provide only the final, culminating remarks, which caused big fat laughter tears on my end. Just know that it involved my rationale for wanting to send our kids to private school and the mention of pizza with dessert square.

Melissaloon (9:34:09 PM): The meap test is making our children fat
Melissaloon (9:34:23 PM): someone should tell dateline

I hope you think it's funny. It is. Melissa, you are my Soul Mate of Funny. PiPi loves her Sugar.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

A mixed bag

Up and down this evening. I left school this afternoon with the intention of going home, as my less-than-five-hours-of-sleep last night had left me dragging all day and totally unmotivated to go to the Y (as previously planned). I am happy to report that somewhere on Burton between Clyde Park and the 131 South ramp, I decided I was going. And go I did. I lifted and worked my abs. I showed the elliptical trainer who was boss. I watched "What Not to Wear." All those endorphins must've brought on some euphoria, because I belted out some Mars Hill tunes from the new CD whilst in the car (not that that is so unusual, really) and went to Meijer. Now, here I am, all exercised and healthful, and I go to town on the produce section. I immediately noticed that the strawberries were on sale and was, literally, OVERJOYED to buy them. I bought cucumbers. Acorn squash. Spaghetti squash. Whole grain english muffins. An inordinate supply of little boxes of raisins. Then I left (after being very genuinely friendly and cheery with the U-Scan attendant - when have I ever done that?), daydreaming about the dinner of tilapia, squash, and spring mix I was going to make myself. Saying to myself, "Ugh, why would I want something rich and sweet and chocolatey?"

If you don't exercise, think about it. It's amazing how it really makes you crave what it is that your body ACTUALLY wants and needs.

Now, though...maybe it's the 4.75 hours of sleep. Probably. But right now I'm just feeling, well, a bit hostile and bitter. Not for any good reason, either. I won't even go into the ridiculous thoughts that have been swirling through my head, because they deserve no credence. They're lies.

Sorry. Hope that was somewhat lucid and not too cryptic. I've concluded that it's bedtime, and some NyQuil just might be in order :)

Saturday, September 02, 2006

I should be doing laundry.

A is for age:
Ask me again in 46 days, when I will be:

B is for beer of choice:
Corona. With a lime. With fun people. Otherwise, beer is pointless.

C is for career:
School Counseling. Just getting into my internship right now. Let's hope I find a job come December!

D is for:
Donna Summer.

E is for essential item you use everyday:
Underwear. Yup, you heard me.

F is for favorite TV show at the moment:
Kyle XY. It's a rare gem on the ABC Family lineup.

G is for favorite game:
Apples to's time for another smackdown. I found one of Spencer's A 2 A Junior cards in my car yesterday. Who wants to play?

I is for instruments you play:
iTunes? Does that count? :)

K is for whose butt you'd like to kick:
Business owners who incorrectly use apostrophes on their business signs. HELLO??? Your sign is a major business investment, and do you really want it to communicate that you can't pass 8th grade English? Yeah, that's right, Taco's Ortega and Hunan Garden's, I'm talking to you.

L is for last place you ate:
My big green monster chair. You mean restaurant? Well, we got Lebanese takeout from Shawarma King in Kzoo yesterday and it was FABULOUS. We had Shish Tawook, which is pictured here:

N is for your full name:
Laura Percival Mikrut. Not really.

O is for overnight hospital stays:
Never! Muahahahaha. I've never even been admitted.

P is for people you were with today:
My new hairstylist, Maecey (yes, Anne, that's really how she spelled it!) and of course Joshu.

Q is for quote:
"Damn! We're in a tight spot!" (Ten points to whoever comments first with the movie that quote is from.)

R is for Biggest Regret:
It's really stupid and petty and not worth mentioning (And no, it's not Josh!)

S is for status:
I am seated, thank you for asking.

T is for time you woke up today:
7:15-ish? Way too early for a childless person on a Saturday, but I had an 8:30 haircut.

U Is for where did U go?
No, I believe that U is actually for U-Haul, and I won't be needing one this summer, thanks for asking.

V is for vegetable that you love:
Broccoli, it's the only one I'll eat these days.

W is for worst habit:
Where do you want me to start? I think my procrastination covers most of them.

X is for x-rays you've had:
My toofers, of course, and a back x-ray at the Chiropractor, and I had a chest x-ray and EEG when I was 16 because I was having weird chest pains. And, of course, the occasional one at the airport:

Y is for yummy food you ate today:
Nothing particularly yummy so far. The Kashi Good Friends with Light Silk soymilk was pretty good, I guess.

Z is for zodiac sign:
Mine, or just any one in general? Can't we think of something more creative here? Like Zoo animal? Or your opinion of U2's Zooropa album? (Verdict: very good.)