A is for age:
Ask me again in 46 days, when I will be:

B is for beer of choice:
Corona. With a lime. With fun people. Otherwise, beer is pointless.

C is for career:
School Counseling. Just getting into my internship right now. Let's hope I find a job come December!
D is for:
Donna Summer.

E is for essential item you use everyday:
Underwear. Yup, you heard me.

F is for favorite TV show at the moment:
Kyle XY. It's a rare gem on the ABC Family lineup.

G is for favorite game:
Apples to Apples...it's time for another smackdown. I found one of Spencer's A 2 A Junior cards in my car yesterday. Who wants to play?

I is for instruments you play:
iTunes? Does that count? :)

K is for whose butt you'd like to kick:
Business owners who incorrectly use apostrophes on their business signs. HELLO??? Your sign is a major business investment, and do you really want it to communicate that you can't pass 8th grade English? Yeah, that's right, Taco's Ortega and Hunan Garden's, I'm talking to you.

L is for last place you ate:
My big green monster chair. You mean restaurant? Well, we got Lebanese takeout from Shawarma King in Kzoo yesterday and it was FABULOUS. We had Shish Tawook, which is pictured here:

N is for your full name:
Laura Percival Mikrut. Not really.
O is for overnight hospital stays:
Never! Muahahahaha. I've never even been admitted.
P is for people you were with today:
My new hairstylist, Maecey (yes, Anne, that's really how she spelled it!) and of course Joshu.

Q is for quote:
"Damn! We're in a tight spot!" (Ten points to whoever comments first with the movie that quote is from.)
R is for Biggest Regret:
It's really stupid and petty and not worth mentioning here...wedding-detail-related. (And no, it's not Josh!)

S is for status:
I am seated, thank you for asking.

T is for time you woke up today:
7:15-ish? Way too early for a childless person on a Saturday, but I had an 8:30 haircut.

U Is for where did U go?
No, I believe that U is actually for U-Haul, and I won't be needing one this summer, thanks for asking.

V is for vegetable that you love:
Broccoli, it's the only one I'll eat these days.

W is for worst habit:
Where do you want me to start? I think my procrastination covers most of them.

X is for x-rays you've had:
My toofers, of course, and a back x-ray at the Chiropractor, and I had a chest x-ray and EEG when I was 16 because I was having weird chest pains. And, of course, the occasional one at the airport:

Y is for yummy food you ate today:
Nothing particularly yummy so far. The Kashi Good Friends with Light Silk soymilk was pretty good, I guess.

Z is for zodiac sign:
Mine, or just any one in general? Can't we think of something more creative here? Like Zoo animal? Or your opinion of U2's Zooropa album? (Verdict: very good.)