They built the new store behind the old store, which closed yesterday...obviously, they're not using this entrance yet...but soon the parking lot will be a whole lot bigger!

Hello, Hay Fever!

Very covert shot of the "WOOHOO we opened a new store!" balloon sculpture. This shot demonstrates about as much photography skill as what is possessed by my three-year-old nephew, Preston...

Lotsa meat. Satisfactory.

And these two are especially for Melissa...today we decided that the quintessential Midwestern diet consists primarily of hot dogs and chicken pot pies, as opposed to organic arugula (as is the case in LA).

Random. Nice lighting, I guess?

Mission Accomplished! I love my blue "green" Meijer bags.
It was nice, it was shiny, it smelled like fresh paint...but I have to say, I wasn't overly impressed. It was smaller than a lot of the other stores in the area and there wasn't anything particularly special about it. (Aside from the special Pot Pies section, that is.) My current ranking for the area:
1. Cascade
2. Knapp's Corner
3. Caledonia
4. Rockford (this would make #3 if I didn't feel like it was totally backwards)
5. Lowell (It's really very nice! I was surprised!)
6. Grandville
7. Plainfield
8. Jenison
9. Alpine
10. 54th/Clyde Park
11. 28th/Kalamazoo (otherwise affectionately known as "International Meijer")
Honorable Mention goes to Greenville, though I don't really consider it Grand Rapids-area.
And yes...I really did just write a big long blog about Meijer. What's more amazing is that I didn't do it for Target first. Maybe some other time...I'm still hoping that they'll open one in the Knapp's Corner area. Oh, a girl can dream...I love you, big box stores.
We always referred to the 28th/Kalamazoo Meijer as "Crack-Whore Meijer"
That's another way of putting it, yes.
We called it that because of all the crack whores who frequent the store.
Thank you for using the verb "frequent" correctly.
And of course they shop there. Dollar General ain't got everything, y'know.
And by "crack whore" I mean a woman who sells her body for crack.
I'm so glad that you've clarified this for my readers.
I didn't want Anne Smeltema (not her real name) to get confused.
That sounds even more Dutch than her real name.
"...an unfortunate schmelting accident..."
"There's only two things I can't stand in this world. Those who are intolerant of other people's cultures... and the Dutch."
Excellent report Agent Lady Cakes. You receive a rating of 10. The best rating you can get actually. It was everything I could have ever wanted. Again, breath-taking work.
Thankya. I'm so glad that someone other than Jon or I posted a comment. This scene was getting old.
Getting old like the Meijer located on 28th and Kalamazoo.
An entire sign devoted to frozen pot pies???? I did not get the notice that Heaven had indeed arrived on Earth AND that it was properly documented with signage.
When the chef folks figure out how to make low-fat pot pies, I will devote an entire post to it.
I fully support your covert photo capture operation. I dare say my love of photography is wearing off on you.
What was the produce like?
I prefer to refer to the location in question as Ghetto Meijer. I gave it one last try and it was hell. The customer service there is by far, the worst, I mean the freaking worst, I have ever experienced. And I've lived through many experiences.
I would rank MY favorite locals as follows:
1. Cascade
2. Caledonia
3. Knapp's Corner
And what's this crap about me not understanding crack w? My bubble was burst today at work when I found out 12 year olds are drinking. Alcohol. Liquor. As in beer. Are you sure you want to procreate?
PS - I recall no trouble with cameras in the South Penn location. Video cameras, yes, film cameras, not so much.
I cannot (I am serious when I say CANNOT) believe that there is a section of ANY store that is devoted to Pot Pies.
This is genius. Seriously.
I realize that you are ranking stores in yonder county...but the New Meijer in Holland (as opposed to the Old Meijer which was the New Meijer for more than 15 years) is fabulous. Plus, I can walk to it. To buy Pot Pies, I hope.
i've always called it the "ghetto meijer". as in, "MOM! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU WENT TO THE GHETTO MEIJER!" (all in caps, because that is how I said it, because I gave her perfectly good directions to the gaines township meijer on kalamazoo, but because they couldn't see the building from the freaking road, they just kept driving.)
parents. what're you gonna do?
cascade. #1. I concur.
the cadillac honors choir can definitely attest to anti-camera-photo-taking at the Jackson meijer.
but hey, you only live once; right?!
I forgot about the Walker Meijer. I'd fit it into the ranking, but unfortunately, I'm over it.
Anne...yes, I know that 12-year-olds drink. Most of those 12-year-olds grew up to be some of the parents I work with. I know of someone who started smoking pot at 10. And it really disturbs me how little that shocks me anymore.
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