Saturday, February 04, 2006
One of the upsides to getting married? Being able to walk into your kitchen, clean and well-equipped with nice stuff. The feeling that you don't HAVE to have the microwave that you got for $5 at a garage sale if you don't want to. Being able to throw away the 50-cent spatulas you got at IKEA because they melted. Having a 10-button digital timer that you can JUST PUNCH THE TIME INTO instead of scrolling through a possible 90 minutes of cooking to get the time you need. Right now I'm making some brownies. I got to use a sweet mixing bowl, the nicest cake pan I've ever used before, and as I open my cupboards for things I am greeted by all sorts of things that are nicely coordinated - pasta bowls. Measuring cups. An oven mitt.
I just love it. This is a reflection of my own creative sensibilities, and I am so happy with the results. Maybe this is coming off as materialistic - I hope not. It's just so nice to MAKE a home according to your own preferences (and not the limitations of the selection at the dollar store or IKEA...though don't get me wrong, I love them both!), and to have a bunch of people rallying around you wanting to help you with that. To help you make your own comfortable little corner of the world. Now I want to go make some cheesecakes just so that I can use my springform pans. Mmmm, delicious. If you want some dessert, you might have luck just stopping over here, because Laura's inspired!
Now, if only I could figure out where my trifle bowl was...
Thursday, February 02, 2006
An introduction
Nerd Alert!

Today, after meeting with Pastor Joe (anyone remember the "Ranger Joe" song from Full House? I used to sing this song in my head when I was a young 'un:
Pastor Joe
Pastor Joe
He's the greatest guy I know
Pastor Joe
...but anyway, after meeting with Pastor Joe, Josh and I were in the drive thru at Taco Bell getting ourselves a snack (for where else would one GO for a snack?) and he was begging, BEGGING me to let him spend twenty two dollars on this book pictured at left. Because he is a Star Wars geek. (But let's face it, I am too.) Prior to this incident, he had spent hours over the course of the past two days reading this book in the Barnes and Noble cafe and had only 75 pages left to read. The boy was desperate. Foaming at the mouth a little, even. Persistence paid off. I let him get the book when we stopped at the mall to drop off my rings so that they can be soldered together (*sniff*).
Fast forward to an hour later. This boy happily retreated to his own personal porcelain throne to begin the glorious conclusion of the book. He eventually came back out to our new monster-sized armchair (think Sulley, only not bubblegum blue) to finish. He made a comment about it being a really pivotal, suspenseful part of the book.
Me: So does that mean that you don't want me talking to you right now?
Josh: Yes.
Me: Really?
Josh: Yes.
Me: Are you sure?
Josh: Yes.
Me: Can I show you some flowers?
Josh recognized the humor in this despite the fact that I was driving him nuts. On purpose. What a great marriage we're going to have.
Josh's quote of the week: "Come on, Alpine Climber!" (This was said to me when I was trying to get out of the car at church on Sunday. He had parked with the passenger side up against a grassy incline.)