Random tidbits:
1. My good friend Melissa has a "Snacks, Goodies, and Treats Treats Treats" dance. I would try to describe it but nothing I can say would do it justice. When I see her next week I'll try to get her to do it on camera, then I'll post it on YouTube.
2. I'd like to apologize to Chris Dornan for censoring his comment. I am sorry. I hope that this does not threaten this beautiful friendship we call Lauristopher. Hugs not drugs, my friend.
3. I spent my day applying at two different temp agencies today. I was informed that I have really good clerical skills, one of which is my typing speed - 79 wpm. I owe all the credit to AOL Instant Messenger. My high school internet addiction appears to have paid off. (I am sorry to bring up a tender subject...you know who you are.)
4. Due to #3, I have renewed hope that someone might perhaps want to trust me with a job.
5. I am beginning to wonder if telling them they could contact my most recent supervisor was a good idea, as I still do not trust him.
6. That's because I am STILL waiting for my last paycheck. And no one will call me back.
7. Josh perfected Carrabba's Picchi Pacchu recipe this weekend. (Pasta in a tomato-basil sauce topped with Italian-seasoned chicken). It was delicious and fantastic (and made with gluten-free rice pasta, for those of you whose gates swing that way)...we officially invite you over to eat some sometime. Please. Take us up on this offer. We love to have people over. We have a delightful little balcony to chat upon. Another menu option: Mediterranean kabobs with falafel and hummus. It's to die for. Just ask Tim and Lindsey. Except don't ask Lindsey, because I don't think it was her cup o' tea.
8. We officially do not recommend teaching two-year-old boys how one gets Mardi Gras beads. Trust us. Anything you tell them, THEY REPEAT. (We would just like to mention that we were innocent bystanders and showed the proper amount of disapproval at the whole affair.) Good thing little Presto was too distracted by his incoming molar. Honestly, why would you want to corrupt this beautiful little guy? (I have a feeling that Sarah Belcher can guess exactly who the culprit here is! Call it a Godmother's intuition!)
1. My good friend Melissa has a "Snacks, Goodies, and Treats Treats Treats" dance. I would try to describe it but nothing I can say would do it justice. When I see her next week I'll try to get her to do it on camera, then I'll post it on YouTube.
2. I'd like to apologize to Chris Dornan for censoring his comment. I am sorry. I hope that this does not threaten this beautiful friendship we call Lauristopher. Hugs not drugs, my friend.
3. I spent my day applying at two different temp agencies today. I was informed that I have really good clerical skills, one of which is my typing speed - 79 wpm. I owe all the credit to AOL Instant Messenger. My high school internet addiction appears to have paid off. (I am sorry to bring up a tender subject...you know who you are.)
4. Due to #3, I have renewed hope that someone might perhaps want to trust me with a job.
5. I am beginning to wonder if telling them they could contact my most recent supervisor was a good idea, as I still do not trust him.
6. That's because I am STILL waiting for my last paycheck. And no one will call me back.
7. Josh perfected Carrabba's Picchi Pacchu recipe this weekend. (Pasta in a tomato-basil sauce topped with Italian-seasoned chicken). It was delicious and fantastic (and made with gluten-free rice pasta, for those of you whose gates swing that way)...we officially invite you over to eat some sometime. Please. Take us up on this offer. We love to have people over. We have a delightful little balcony to chat upon. Another menu option: Mediterranean kabobs with falafel and hummus. It's to die for. Just ask Tim and Lindsey. Except don't ask Lindsey, because I don't think it was her cup o' tea.
8. We officially do not recommend teaching two-year-old boys how one gets Mardi Gras beads. Trust us. Anything you tell them, THEY REPEAT. (We would just like to mention that we were innocent bystanders and showed the proper amount of disapproval at the whole affair.) Good thing little Presto was too distracted by his incoming molar. Honestly, why would you want to corrupt this beautiful little guy? (I have a feeling that Sarah Belcher can guess exactly who the culprit here is! Call it a Godmother's intuition!)
9. This Saturday is the Annual Falicki 4th of July Hoopla on Bostwick Lake. Bring a dish to pass. Not you. Us. Still plotting what that will be. I'm envisioning a casserole of epic proportions. Because nothing says 4th of July like a casserole. I'm looking forward to alternating proclamations of "LAAAARRRRRR!" and "Thank you so much for marrying my friend Josh." I love the boys of militantPoet.
10. Kate has sent her Blogger curse to me...I can't post more than one picture. Ack. Too bad...I had a great pancake picture to post for you, Tracy.
That's all for today, kids...